Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The Radio Disease Killer is definitely one of the weirder devices I have come across. While flashing its multicolored lights (eerily shining through hole is the front cover), and creating a horrible racket with an internal buzzer, the machine would deliver a low voltage (but quite painful) electrical shock to who ever was unlucky enough to be hooked up to it. This device is most likely an E.R.A (Electronic Reactions of Abrams) clone. In the early 1900s, Dr. Albert Abrams developed the idea that all parts of the body, including diseased body parts, had a specific vibration rate. He said that if the vibration rates of the diseased part could be determined, then that same frequency could be sent back into the body and cure the disease. Of course Dr. Abrams was [vitapulser] kind enough to make the machinery required to do this diagnosis (The Reflexophone) and treatment (The Ocilloclast) available to practitioners, for a rather hefty sum.

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