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Text: ³Radionics is the ³secret science² of ancient Egypt. It survived the dynastic period, down through the ages, and in the 20th Century, emerged as ³radiesthesie² in France, and ³Radionics² in England. As you read this booklet, you will glimpse the amazing power of this science. You probably won¹t believe it, but we assure you, it is real. One aspect is ³effect at a distance.² It is possible to affect a physical entity at a distance without ANY physical means. Distance does not exist. This booklet is based on a July 1995 speech by Dr. Andrew Michrowski, President of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy in Ottawa, Canada, that describes two (2) successful experiments conducted in New Brunswick in 1976. Andrew Michrowski was at one time Chief Planner with Indian Affairs in Canada. He was also Senior Analyst with the Secretary of State [of Canada], involved in forecasting, creation, and evaluation of Federal policies and programs. He is President of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy. The experiment he relates was to show the efficacy of radionics in resolving the infestation of Budworm in spruce forests in the Province of New Brunswick, Canada. According to Dr. Michrowski in his talk and in visual data, which he produced at the Conference, the experiment was a success. As he explains, this was also corroborated by neutral observers of the test. Dr. Michrowski explained that the Irving family of Canada ­ the owners of the forests where the experiment was done ­ at first offered to pay for the work, but that at the conclusion of the tests, they refused to pay and instructed their on-site Manager, ³This never happened.¹ The event did take place, however. Future Technology Intelligence Report has arranged for a duplicate test and has guaranteed payment on the ³best efforts² basis. The question arises: Why the hostility? FTIR speculates it is because this signals the end of the killer pesticide industry. If radionics proves as efficient as we are led to believe, it will be more efficient, safer, and far cheaper than chemical pesticides. Antony C. Sutton D. Sc. Editor, FTIR March, 2001 [No. 1 in Radionics test series]

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