Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The word "radionics" grew out of the line of research begun by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, Dr. Albert Abrams and Ruth Drown in San Francisco, CA in the early 1900's. Many brilliant innovators contributed to the development of this field from its inception to the present. The main branches of radionic research focus on analysis and treatment of human and agricultural diseases. Radionic devices have developed along three separate lines of research for over 40 years. These generally can be categorized by the method of "tuning" used by the equipment. Those devices that tune using a bank of variable resistors developed out of the work of the late Dr. Ruth Drown. Those devices that tune using a bank of variable capacitors developed out of the work of the late T. Galen Hieronymus. Those tuned by a ban of variable acoustic resonators developed by George DeLaWarr. Besides the different methods used for tuning, all true radionic devices have the following characteristics in common: 1) No electricity flows in the radionic circuit. 2) The radionic circuit performs the "tuning" and the operators' thoughts and/or intentions are not required for proper function. 3) The components of a radionic circuit create a structure* (energy matrix) in space that act as a physical (harmonic) counterpart to the etheric energies being tuned to. 4) All such devices operate via sympathetic association between the tuned circuit and the object tuned to. 5) Cause and Effect ocurr via and along Neutral Lines of the operator's thought. * Chord of frequencies; vibration signature; compound vibration wave form. Dale Pond


Source: 127

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