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Quadrature of the Circle, Propositions of the

Text: by John Keely, 1874. PROPOSITION I "The circumference of any circle being given, if that circumference be brought into the form of a square, the area of that square is equal to the area of another circle, the circumscribed square of which is equal in area to the area of the circle whose circumference is first given." PROPOSITION II "The circle and the equilateral triangle are the primary of all shapes in nature; they are opposite each other in all the elements of their construction, and hence the square of diameter being made the standard of measure, the circle and the equilateral triangle in their fractional relations to the square are opposite each other in ratio of the squares of their diameters." PROPOSITION III "The true ratio of circumference to diameter of all circles is four times the area of an inscribed circle for a ratio of circumference to the area of the circumscribed square for the ratio of diameter." For a detailed and complete analysis of the Quadrature of the Circle, see George Hull, Quadrature of the Circle, Delta Spectrum Research, Inc., 1991.



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