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Text: A quaternion has four parts ­ three vector components, and an associated scalar component which itself may be a function of vectors. When the three vector components reduce to zero (by phase conjugation), the scalar component still exists, and may vary in both magnitude and vector composition. That is, when the three vector components of the quaternion are zeroed, the quaternion does not necessarily disappear at all. In modern vector analysis, however, the associated scalar component is not used; only the three vector components make up the vector. When the three vector components are zeroed, the entire vector disappears without any remaining residue being accounted for. In quaternions, for example, one could still remain, and could actually change if the sum-zeroed components were dynamically varying while yet maintaining their zero summation. In this manner, one could easily have the scalar function represent the stress of local spacetime, and could unite gravitation and electromagnetics on a local, engineerable basis. One could use infolded (zero-summed) EM force vectors to create gravitational scalar stress potential waves. A quaternion consists of a triple vector part and a scalar part and can readily take into account the stress and strain of the medium, including internal structuring of the stress or strain, whereas a vector (Heaviside's vector) consists only of the vector part. Quaternions are difficult, and even in the time of their founder, Hamilton, few mathematicians and scientists ever mastered them. When Maxwell's theory was transposed to its modern vector form many of the characteristics of this scalar part were effectively discarded and only the vector part was retained. (132) Quaternions describe mathematically the structure of Keely's triple streams or concordant flows as he called them when harmoniusly balanced. This triple flow is then an undifferentiated flow. Keely onced mentioned that Maxwell was substantially correct and apparently went on to make full use of his mathematics.


Source: 132

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