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Text: A Quantum Number is: 1) that set of four numbers in which the first plus the second equals the third, and the second plus the third equals the fourth number. 2) consists of four numbers, two of which are Co-prime, along with their sum and difference - Defined as follows: (a) The sum and the difference will be prime to the middle two (Euclid); Or, (b) In every Quantum Number, the sum of the first and second equals the third, and the sum of the second and third equals the fourth (Fibonacci); Or, (c) In every Quantum Number, the third number is the mean of the first and the fourth, while the second number is the variation of the first and fourth from the mean, (Statistics). Each of these definitions has identical results. Every Quantum Number must contain the prime factors of "2" and "3". They will often have a "5" or "7" or both. There may be seven prime factors, but not more than seven prime factors. The Quantum Number may at times ne called the "roots", and may sometimes be called the "bead" numbers.

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Source: 175

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