Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "All operations of nature have for their sensitizing centers of introductory action, triple vacuum evolutions. These evolutions are centered in what I call atomic triple revolutions, highly radiaphonic in their character, and thoroughly independent of all outside forces in their spheres of action. In fact, no conceivable power, however great, can break up their position that, within a circle that would enclose the smallest grain of sand, hundreds of billions of them perform, with infinite mathematical precision, their continuous vibratory revolution of inconceivable velocity. These triple centers are the very foundations of the universe, and the great Creator has, in His majestic designs, fixed them indissolubly in their position. Mathematically considered, the respective and relative motion of these atomic triplets, gravitating to and revolving around each other, is about one and one-third of their circumference. The problem of this action, when reduced to a mathematical analysis (presupposing taking it as the quadrature of the circle) would baffle the highest order of mathematical science known to bring it to a numerical equation." (Keely) Chapter 5 of For a detailed and complete analysis of the Quadrature of the Circle, see George Hull, Quadrature of the Circle

See Also: Bibliography and the book (12) See ATOMIC TRIPLETS, GEOMETRY; ILIASTER QUARTUS

Source: Force & Energy - The Theory of Dynamics, Allen, Grant, Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1888. ,

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