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Puharich, Andrija.

Text: "The physics of the Tesla magnifying transmitter, and the transmission of electrical power without wires." A submission to the government of Canada to implement clean energy systems, and at least the Tesla technology for the wireless transmission of electrical energy. The physics included an exposition on the Dirac sea (vacuum energy) as being the medium for transmission and noting the scalars of Maxwell playing a significant role in wireless transmission. The wavefront anteceding the received energy would resemble tunneling as discovered by Dr. Brian Josephson. Document was presented by the Hon. Sen. Chesley W. Carter, Chairperson of the Canadian Standing Committee on Science to the Rt. Hon. Pierre E. Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. The Prime Minister was sufficiently impressed to personally request in handwriting the National Research Council of Canada to examine the merits of the proposal. Unfortunately, the Council rebuked the document without analyzing it, apparently under outside pressure, probably from the U. S. government, as was later confessed by Dr. David Peat to Senator Chesley. The Prime Minister considered the Council of be "agnostic", as reported back to the Senator. In: The Tesla system for the wireless global transmission of electrical power from the "atmosphere" to the consumer. Prepared by the Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc., Nov. 6, 1976. p. 4-15.

See Also: Nikola Tesla, magnifying transmitter, unorthodox physics, free energy, wireless transmission of energy.


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