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Prange, Richard E. and Peter Strance.

Text: "The semiconducting vacuum." The vacuum may be regarded as a semiconductor. In particular, the vacuum in the region close to the nucleus of a superheavy element is analogous to the inversion layer in a field effect transistor. Introduces the idea of the inverted vacuum. Just as a semiconductor may be manipulated by subjecting it to external fields, doping etc., it appears that so can the vacuum. Consider the fine aspects vis-a-vis the inversion effect. That is, the predominantly positive nucleus could be regarded as the same type of matter as the electron, but traveling backwards in time. The direction of time flow would correspond inversely to charge, and the rate of time flow would correspond to the rate of flow of the massless charge flux. Also, inversion (negative time) effects could result in negative energy state electrons falling out of the Dirac sea spontaneously, yielding "negative energy" or "antiphoton energy." Several Bedini devices seem to exhibit precisely this "negative energy" effect. American Journal of Physics. 52(1), Jan. 1984. p. 19-21.

See Also: negative energy, vacuum, scalar electromagnetics, foundations of physics, anomalous phenomena, vacuum as a semiconductor.


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