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Text: Psychoenergetics Mental entrainment, inducing hypnogogic trance, mind control, broadcasting thoughts and feelings, the Ant World, education via EM [LW] mental download, the "Feelies," revolution in spirituality, "enlightenment machine?" Scalar churches? Psychoenergetics is simply using the scalar interferometers to manipulate and engineer the human psyche. To me it is the most mind-boggling and frightening aspect of longitudinal wave engineering. The mind is electromagnetic in nature, and itself of the time-domain. It is not observable in 3-space. There is no thing you can point to that is the mind. As Bearden says, "The mind is time-like." The longitudinal scalar EM waves are also of the time-domain. By overlaying certain infolded patterns (oscillations in time) on the longitudinal waves, a thought or feeling may be made to arise in a person or persons who are in the interference zone (where the wave beams cross). The person will not notice anything, feeling that this thought or idea is his or her own idea. The longitudinal wave pattern might be a wave of panic or fear that spontaneously sweeps over you, perhaps inexplicably. It could even be in the form of a sudden intense patriotism. It could be explicit words and phrases, which everyone would think they had thought of by themselves. Or it could be rage and hatred, angry and violent. On the other hand It could also be a continuous sense of docility and placidity. This is the brave new world of psychoenergetics and the coming "Mind Wars." Scalar Psychoenergetics in its most primitive form simply "entrains" all minds in the target area into a deep hypnogogic trance. In this state of mind people would be suddenly extremely suggestible, and would likely believe anything they are told, and would obey any orders given. Talk about winning the hearts and minds of the American People! Tom Bearden makes me think of Paul Revere, who heroically conveyed important warnings for the sake of the new nation. But the words of the famous phrase have now strangely and curiously mutated into the once-inconceivable: "One if by land, Two if by mind." Indeed one strategy in a Mind War would be to simply take over the minds of the "leaders" of the enemy nation. The targeted leader would not be aware that anything was amiss, although he might begin to make unexpected changes in policy. And are, in fact, any of our "leaders" already having secret thoughts that are not their own? Who knows? Frighteningly, we can no longer be sure. The new sciences of scalar electromagnetics and psychoenergetics are even now plunging humanity into a sudden science-fiction-like world beyond anything in humanity's previous imaginings. "The Russians reached the point in the mid 1990s that they could take over control of a person's mind, with modified longitudinal EM waves including some time-polarized EM waves, and with a team of specialists (estimate 25-30 per transmitter, and one transmitter and team per controlled person)." Bearden In a slide Bearden illustrates how a Scalar War would involve a psychoenergetics attack on the operators of the enemy scalar installation, entraining their minds into hypnogogic trance and getting them to shut down their systems. And ultimately psychoenergetic warfare goes to the very heart of human identity itself. For if my thoughts might no longer be "mine," then who and what am I? Can my very sense of being "me" be hijacked by some nefarious psychoenergetic scheme? Will the "secret government" eventually dictate directly into your mind how you feel about yourself? Or what you think you are? Or what you should do? How Does Longitudinal EM Mind Control Work? The physics of scalar psychoenergetics as expounded by Col. Bearden seems even more arcane and over-my-head than that of extracting energy from the vacuum. I can't understand it, but I look through it anyway. Each time another tiny understanding might occur, or a term might fall into place. I know the mathematics is forever beyond me. One paper to begin with is Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions This is such serious stuff that Bearden includes a strong warning about misuse of this knowledge. Psychoenergetics weapons can mentally maim and physically kill. Warning! (From "Mind Control and EM Wave Polarization Transductions") "This article refers to experimental research techniques which can be detrimental or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled, qualified experimental scientists proceeding under proper laboratory safety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly for information to properly qualified and authorized scientists in certified laboratories. We do not propose or condone any use of these procedures for nonapproved practice of medicine without a license. Neither the publisher nor the author are responsible for accidents or outcomes in the use of these experimental pro?cedures and techniques. Any researcher who performs these procedures and experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and is solely responsible for insuring safety, qualifications, and legality of the acts and their results. We neither suggest nor condone unauthorized experimentation on human subjects. Such is a criminal violation of the constitutional rights of the subject under Federal and State laws, and is both illegal and immoral." Bearden After the serious warning comes the description of the paper. This is heady stuff for the layman. "Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we present a high-level over-view of the novel electromagnetic nature of mind operations, mind and body coupling, and intent - the induction of physical 3-space EM energy changes into the brain and nervous system, and into every cell of the body, from the mind's time-like coherent operations. We summarize the time-polarized electrodynamics used to engineer and affect mind operations and the mind-body coupling loop. Transduction mechanisms whereby differing EM wave polarizations can be transformed one-into-the-other are presented." Bearden I will leave it to the technically astute to try to understand the mechanisms of operation which are described in scientific language. But there are tidbits for the layman. Here he speaks of the difficulty Western scientists have in opening up to the "immaterial" (longitudinal wave) nature of the human mind.

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