Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Protonics: Reducing Oil Dependency by Richard LeFors Clark PhD Jan 10, 2005 Science is a business which serves corporations which own technology and control raw materials. These corporations dictate the science curricula taught in schools. Science graduates are employed by government (controlled by corporations through campaign contributions) and industry (which allows only science and technology that increase profits). Together these institutions maintain a rigidly enforced orthodoxy ensuring a dollar denominated knowledge base and, at the same time, suppresses all knowledge of nature and its forces which might be threatening to profits. The Government/Science/Corporate establishment is the creation of Patriarchy, the male dominated social order. Its laws and principles are a natural outcome of the male mind set, which is territorial, exclusive, and hierarchal. Just as the religious patriarchists eliminated the female principle as co-creator and embraced a single male deity, so did they as secularists remove the female principle from physics, creating a technology that is unnatural, filthy, and deadly to biological systems. This paper will focus on the petroleum based energy production system. It is the ideal patriarchal technology as it is based on a limited resource, is needed by everyone in the world, can be metered out at enormous cost to the buyer page 2 (addict), and gives geopolitical control to the owners /controllers. What they dread is a cheap renewable energy source. To prevent it the science establishment decreed, by a vote, on no evidence, that ³matter can neither be created or destroyed² * and that ether, the female element did not exist. Reality, fortunately, cannot be decided by a vote. Ether must and does exist and it produces matter in the form of protons and electrons, which are generated from the interaction of atoms (tangible matter) in motion in the ether. The matter can be metal, water, air, etc. The denser the medium, the more protons and electrons are produced. The motion causes portions of the ether to separate out into little vortexes. One direction of spin creates the larger proton. The reverse spin produces, in a contracting motion, the small electron. Protons are the hydrogen ions, the most desired monatomic form of hydrogen. Electrolyzing for hydrogen has been done for over 150 years but it is not a commercially usable process and the hydrogen produced is diatomic (2H).   * (How would they know this except as non-divine revelation?) page 3 Agents of Big Oil assure us that in the future hydrogen will replace oil. Then they point out all the ³short term² problems (see Popular Science Jan. 05 for the list), which causes us to suspect that the hydrogen future may be delayed indefinitely. Protonics can produce an unlimited amount of hydrogen with no attending problems. We have seen without realizing it examples of systems where the proton (hydrogen ion) plays the key role. Victor Schauberger observed fish swim circularly in whirlpools below waterfalls - then seemingly levitate up the falls. He deduced that the water had levitation ability because the fish would normally be physically unable to lift themselves that high. From this observation he designed (between WWI and WWII) logging flumes where massive logs were carried in a few inches of corkscrewing, flowing water. This normally would have required many feet of water. These logging flumes were engineered water vortexes laid horizontally rather than in the natural streamıs vertical orientation. Archimedes had used only static water, not special dynamic systems to formulate his flotation/displacement laws. Imagine the design potentials in Schaubergerıs system. page 4 Next Schauberger built the Trout Turbine to drive an electric generator. This time his vortex was in a vertical position. Interestingly, the device flew through the roof of the Kentyl Factory in Austria. The Germans noticed this event and drafted him into V-7, their flying saucer program in WW II. All the early saucer footage shows unstable ³floating² by the craft. What happens in this vortex water that makes objects float? The vortex movement generates and stores protons in the water. This produces flotation, not antigravity. Protons, monatomic hydrogen nucleii, are the lightest gas possible. Their flotation, or buoyancy in air (nitrogen and oxygen) is tremendous. Schauberger never knew this. At the waterfall, the fishıs body breaks the water in the whirlpool via the circular swimming and absorbs the protons contained in the water. It then floats like a balloon up the falls, with its tail flopping for added push and direction. The logs in the flume break free the protons generated and stored in the vortex water, absorb the protons, and float down the fume. The Trout Turbine was a massive proton generator by its very design. It exceeded proton storage saturation levels and radiated protons. This is why the area around the saucer stops all electrical flows. The radiated protons and conducting electrons are making standard hydrogen gas page 5 in the wires. Let us insert a wire in running water, like a river or stream, and connect it to a hollow pipe aimed skyward. The wire/tube assemblage has a very big voltage potential between the water-wire end and the sky-tube tip. The moving water has free protons that are electro-statically attracted to the wire. It is just a simple proton beam device called a Cloudbuster by Reich. The question is why the proton beam from the tube makes water (rain). Interestingly the rain is formed at exactly the usual rain altitudes from clouds that previously were not there. The proton beam must reach the right altitude, gas composition, temperature, etc. to make water exactly where nature does it. The beamed protons at this altitude pick up free electrons, forming standard hydrogen. This hydrogen then bonds to the ambient oxygen to form water which falls as rain. (A fuel cell is a very similar process, a water maker.) Reich also worked on radioactive decay (proton reactions to radioactive material) and his ³orgone² accumulator boxes (proton traps/sinks). Then there are the amazing structures found all around the world, made of giant rocks, cut sandstone or coral. Any material that can absorb and retain protons can be floated. A small proton beam generator system could be placed Page 6 in/on a car. By proper operation and control the weight of the car could be reduced from say, two tons to 200 lbs. with safety and on a windy day could be increased to normal gravity. The gasoline needed to operate the car would be reduced by 80 - 90%. This technology could be quickly engineered and mass manufactured to lower oil consumption dramatically. A detailed explanation of vortex (water or air) generation and storage of protons would require a large book. I will just say here that Protonics does violate a number of Physics Laws (beliefs, actually). The new paradigm is based on Projective Geometry and remodels both Particle and Field Physics entirely. The electron and proton, the most basic material particles are but self sustaining torroidal vortexes or basic ether. Patriarchal science and technology, based on the electron (the male principal particle) are rapidly reaching their limits. The earth has become fouled to the point where it will soon be uninhabitable. The current war for control of oil resources is not a winner and threatens chaos in the Middle East. The alternative is to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Other researchers who utilized the proton: Keely: Acoustic proton energy systems; Kervaran/Kushi: Proton atom element transmutation /cold fusion; Moray: Proton power systems. Page 7 Engineering devices- utility of protons: Fuel cells/water generators Proton ³rain² systems Weather control- proton beams Monatomic hydrogen-torches, disintegrators, engines Fire control proton systems Radioactive materials de-activation Mass matter weight loss systems (³float² proton systems) Proton beam weapons systems Transportation systems Health systems Agriculture applications, food storage and waste control Construction systems Control of electron flow systems (hydrogen converter) Combustion Control and extinguisher systems All rights reserved. As I am looking into commercialization of Protonics, I will not discuss any aspects of the subject beyond simple clarification of material disclosed in this paper. This paper may be printed, copied, internet posted or published. RLC Editorıs note: This paper is a prologue to a new science. Dr Clark has asked me to post it on the internet; the ideas are his but I take responsibility for any typographical or grammatical errors. Warner Sizemore Contact:

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