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Text: St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). quoted from "The Physics of Angels " by Rupert Sheldrake and Matthew Fox. "How can there be sin in desiring spiritual satisfaction? In one way only, namely by not observing the measure imposed by a higher will than ones own. And this precisely is the sin of pride - not to submit to one's superior where submission is due. Therefore the first sin in an angel can only have been pride. As a consequence, however, the angels could also sin by envy. For the same motive that draws you to something will make you detest the reverse of what you desire. Now envy consists of precisely in this, that one takes umbrage at anothers's wellbeing, as feeling it a hinderance to one's own. And so it was with the evil angel: he saw another's wellbeing as a hinderance to the possession of what he desired, and this just because he desired an unrivalled eminence which would no longer be such if another rose to eminence too. Therefore after the sin of pride he fell also into the evil of envy, detesting the wellbeing of mankind; and detesting too the majesty of God in as much as God makes use of man to further his own glory, against the devil's will. "

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