Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "I include in the polar forces, magnetism, electricity and gravital sympathy, each stream composed of three currents, which collectively make up the governing conditions of the one Universal controlling medium." "The polar current is a triune flow, in which the dominant is the controlling element." He sought to demonstrate through instruments the sympathetic association of the polar stream with the "luminiferous track" or "compound etheric field." "The laws governing the polar current are intimately concerned in the phenomena of rotation." "Fine as are the unit particles of odor, which belong to the atomic or third subdivision, they are very crude compared to the tenuity of that subdivided substance which acts as the governing medium for a sympathetic or magnetic flow. The tenuity of that subdivision comes to and above sound." "Without the sustaining vitality of the polar current all organisms would cease to exist and if the "sympathetic negative polar stream" should be cut off from the earth, the neutral centers of all its molecules would float away into space like a swarm of bees." "The attractive power of the molecule lies in the magnetic element - in other words, the form of crystal aggregation lies in the polar attractions of the respective molecules." He states that molecular cohesion operates by reason of the same cause. "The negative sympathetic portion of the polar stream - the neutrally attractive portion - is the magnetic flow proper, and coincides sympathetically with the "second atomic flow." He had a desperate struggle in attempting to learn the laws and conditions of the polar streams and suffered several severe accidents during this time. The importance of his researches is evidenced by his statement of only one of the properties of this polar streams. "All the magnets in the world, no matter how differentiated, cannot induce rotation, but POLAR NEGATIVE ATTRACTION INDUCES ROTATION." He obtained such control of the mysterious polar current that he was able to show on the "third or molecular graduation of the propellor of his airship" 120 revolutions per minute; on the 6ths or atomic graduation, 360 revolutions per minute, and had still the etheric field to conquer. In his magnetic engine he attempted to use the ether only as a medium for "sympathetic vibration associated positively and negatively with the polar stream." He states "Even as the magnet arouses the latent power in iron, my sympathetic polar harness will, by exciting concordance in the interstitial corpuscular domain, and then intermittently negatizing by association with the dominant thirds, the concordant 3rds, 6ths and 9ths, produce great power of rotation."

See Also:

Source: 11

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