Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "The force that controls planetary suspension, which Kepler foretold would be revealed by God to man in this century, Keely shows to be the sympathetic relation which exists between the terrestrial flow and the celestial etheric radiation; Teaching that the great universe of planetary masses, associated as it is with the celestial etheric sympathetic flows, bears to the will-force emanating from the brain, - a pure illustration of the control of the celestial mind over terrestrial matter. All planetary masses Keely calls terrestrial, showing in his writings that the beauty of the celestial concordant chords of sympathy forming the harmonious connective link, in what may be denominated "the music of the spheres" , is seen in the alternate oscillating range of motion between the planetary systems; for at a certain range of the greater distance, harmony is established, and the attractive forces are brought into action, under the command, "Thus far shalt thou go, and no father." Then in the return towards the neutral centers, when at the nearest point to each other, the opposite or propulsive force is brought into play; and "thus far shalt thou come, and no nearer"; advancing and receding under the celestial law of etheric compensation and restoration, as originally established by the great Creator. "As in the celestial organism all is subservient to one general center, or center of complete control, so is it with the planetary masses. Where this general center is located has never been revealed to man, and never will be until he is brought into complete harmony with pure celestial radiation and freed from all the crude molecular conditions that accompany him on his terrestrial journey through this life. Our planet may be considered as one of the terrestrial convolutionary centers, in planetary space, that help to make up the full combination revolving round the general center." Bloomfield-Moore



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