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Text: Albert Pike, the KKK & Masonry >Sender: A very interesting article on the history of the KKK, freemasonry and B'Nai B'rith: Why Albert Pike's Statue Must Fall The Scottish Rite's KKK Project by Anton Chaitkin {The following is the edited text of the speech delivered by Mr. Chaitkin to the Labor Day weekend conference of the Schiller Institute in suburban Washington, D.C.} In the heart of Washington, D.C., there is a large statue and monument honoring the most important founder of the Ku Klux Klan. Inscribed on the base of the statue are the words, ``poet''-- the terrorist anthem of the KKK was his most famous literary work--and ``jurist''--he was called the KKK's chief judiciary officer, and reputedly wrote the organization manual for the terrorist anti-black movement after the U.S. Civil War. The immense, bearded figure of Confederate General Albert Pike is looming over a public square in the nation's capital. Why has it never been pulled down in that predominantly black city? The statue is a tribute to the influence of Pike's organization. It has power in the Executive Branch, and the Congress, and it is decisive in the courts. It has great power in all branches of law enforcement and the military. Do I mean that the Ku Klux Klan has such sway over the government? No, I'm speaking here of the ``Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction,'' of which Pike was the chief, or ``Sovereign Grand Commander.'' The Ku Klux Klan, the Southern Confederacy, and the pre-Civil War secession movement were a single, continuous project, with Pike's ``Scottish Rite'' at its center. Though the Confederacy was defeated, this project lives on today, and now dominates U.S. political life. Look at Baker & Botts, the Houston family firm and power base of Secretary of State James A. Baker III. This law firm was formed after the Civil War by die-hard Confederate and Masonic officials in Albert Pike's Scottish Rite and military clique. With their British imperial racial notions, Baker & Botts and Scottish Rite freemasonry have dominated the Texas power structure ever since. Secretary Baker's grandfather, Captain James A. Baker, brought English race scientist Julian Huxley in to supervise the ``race purification'' study program for Texas, at Rice University. Secretary Baker's family wealth and power came from their representing Harriman, the international oil companies and George Bush's Zapata Petroleum, all sponsors of the population control, or ban-dark-babies movement. This movement is synonymous with the Scottish Rite. Bill Clinton is governor of Arkansas, a state infested by the tradition of Albert Pike, who was the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas. Look closely at the mind-set. Bill Clinton supports and carries out the death penalty, which in practice means executions of black people and poor people; and Clinton supports abortion. Clinton sat down, and worked out his views on these issues with his Baptist minister, the late Rev. W.O. Vaught, who was Clinton's spiritual guide and virtual foster father. As Vaught's son recently told me, Clinton and his pastor agreed that their religion permits the killing of prisoners and unborn children. The authority for this version of Christianity is derived from a peculiar, neo-pagan reading of the Old Testament. And the New Testament, with its ban on revenge and requirement to love, is considered irrelevant: They say that Christ was primarily concerned with fulfilling the Old Law of the Hebrews (as interpreted by this faction), and when Christ said love your enemy and turn the other cheek, he was really trying to reinforce and impose the authority of the Roman Empire. But whose religion is this? Well, the Reverend W.O. Vaught was a 32nd Degree Mason, a {Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret} within the Scottish Rite hierarchy. What Is the Scottish Rite? What, then, is the Scottish Rite? Freemasonry was founded in the early 1700s in England by the so-called Venetian Party. This clique of British philosophical liberals had a few other experiments in human misery, for example: the East India Company, the royal African Company of slavers, and the slave colony of South Carolina. The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, in particular, has a feudalist lore and legend, that is rooted in the black slave trade through the Caribbean Islands. In those islands, the pagan cults of slavers in ancient Rome, and Venice, were reused as anti-Judeo-Christian or Satanic cults and rituals for the amusement and gratification of the slave-traders, the British, Dutch, Bostonian, and Jewish-ethnic slave runners. The Scottish Rite was formally organized in the U.S.A. in 1801, as a group of Tory partisans on the losing side of the American Revolution. The Scottish Rite came to rule over American Freemasonry during the nineteenth century. American colonial leaders had used the British Empire's Freemasonic lodges as political clubs, and had turned them against the British Crown in the American Revolution. But in the 1820s and 1830s, Masonry had been widely condemned and virtually run out of the U.S.A. as a would-be dictatorial grouping, an unwanted ``British underground'' intrusion into America. With British assistance, the Masonic lodges were reintroduced, under the control of the Scottish Rite based in Charleston, South Carolina, as a force for Southern secession. Since the 1840s, the U.S. Freemasonic structure has been strictly dominated by the Scottish Rite. The Scottish Rite dispenses the 4th and higher Masonic ``degrees'' of initiation, up to the 33rd. The Scottish Rite was divided into a Southern Jurisdiction, and a Northern Jurisdiction based in Boston, that is politically subordinate. As for Bill Clinton: A spokesman for the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of Arkansas told me that although Clinton was a member of Freemasonry's Order of DeMolay as a young man, he is not now a Mason. I have been informed, however, that DeMolay membership is in fact a life membership. The influence of Scottish Rite-dominated Freemasonry is shockingly pervasive in American government and culture, particularly in the South. But it has come under attack from some surprising quarters. The Southern Baptist Convention recently voted to conduct an investigation of Freemasonry in all forms, and to prepare a report on whether Masonry is compatible with Christianity. The Southern Baptist Convention, predominantly white, is the largest U.S. Protestant denomination, with 18 million church-goers. Freemasons make up a sizable proportion of this church's male membership, perhaps 20 percent. So this is a dramatic, emotional issue, a strongly factional issue within Protestant Christianity. At their annual meeting last June in Indianapolis, the Baptists also adopted a resolution against secret societies, which reads in part: ``we ... call upon all Christians to ... [avoid] any association which conflicts with clear Biblical ... teachings concerning the taking of oaths, the secrecy of activities, mystical knowledge, or racial discrimination....'' A leader of this initiative, Dr. James Holly of Beaumont, Texas, told me this was aimed at the known fact that white Freemasonry is affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan. The 2.5 million member Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod says in its official Handbook: ``The Synod has declared itself firmly opposed to all societies, lodges and organizations of an un-Christian or anti-Christian character.'' The Lutheran Missouri Synod has also printed an attack on Freemasonry, which attacks its racialism and quotes from an absurd Masonic explanation of why blacks are excluded from from white lodges: ``There are excellent reasons for this apparent race discrimination which only a Mason can fully understand ... [racial integration] would endanger the harmony of the lodge.... Secondly, although Negroes today may technically fulfill the Masonic requirement of being `free,' their subordinate economic, educational, and cultural position is such that they hardly fulfill the spirit of that prerequisite to initiation.'' `The True Religion of Masonry' But let us ask, does Mr. Pike's organization have an ``un-Christian or anti-Christian character''? Albert Pike responded in 1861 to a Mason who tried to claim the Scottish Rite was somehow Christian. Pike said that if the Scottish Rite ``had a Christian basis, how did it chance that most of those who had possession of it in this country from 1763 to 1800 were Hebrews?'' In fact, Pike and the Scottish Rite borrowed a good deal of numerology and other superstition from the Jewish cabala, a neo-pagan tradition in direct opposition to the Mosaic law underlying the Jewish religion. We shall deal later on with the relationship of Jews to the Scottish Rite. But if the Rite is not specificially Christian, is it anti-Christian? We may judge this from Sovereign Grand Commander Pike's words, on his {method}, and on the {true religion}. In Pike's book, {Morals and Dogma,} the Scottish Rite's main guide to the universe, he explains his method: ``Magic is the science of the ancient magi.... ``Magic unites in one and the same science, whatsoever Philosophy can possess that is most certain, and Religion of the Infallible and the Eternal. It perfectly ... reconciles these two terms ... faith and reason ... those who accept [magic] as a rule may give their will a sovereign power that will make them the masters of all inferior beings and of all errant spirits; that is to say, will make them the Arbiters and Kings of the World....'' Pike wrote this particular section to instruct ``Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret'' gentlemen of the 32nd Degree, such as was Bill Clinton's preacher. Thus, Pike is an illusionist, a conjurer, teaching his priesthood the means of controlling their squads of initiates. But what is the underlying belief? In France in 1889, Pike said: ``That which we must say to the crowd is, we worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition.... The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion to science, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him? ``Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods.... Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.'' This quote, by the way, is available in French and English in the Albert Pike vertical file at the library of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction at 1733 16th St. NW, Washington D.C. The Terror Project The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, an instrument of British Empire strategy, directed a continuous offensive of murder and racist terrorism against the U.S. A. and neighboring countries, during the middle decades of the last century. We shall trace this endeavor, from the U.S. occupation of Mexico in the Mexican War (1846-48), to the slaveowners' rebellion or U.S. Civil War (1861-65), through the Ku Klux Klan's war against Reconstruction of the South (1867-1870s). A few individuals will come into view repeatedly as gang leaders and project directors: Boston's {Albert Pike}, boss of Arkansas; New York's {John A. Quitman}, boss of Mississippi; New York's {John Slidell}, boss of Louisiana; Slidell's nephew and partner, British banker{ August Belmont, }boss of the Democratic Party; Slidell's trainee and partner, Britain's {Judah Benjamin}, boss of the Confederate secret service. Patriots such as then-Congressman Abraham Lincoln saw the 1846 U.S. invasion of Mexico as a crime and folly, pushed by strategists of slavery who also aimed at the destruction of the U.S.A. Transplanted Southern Democrat John Slidell, and Whig leader Caleb Cushing, spokeman for Boston's opium and slave-running fortunes, had both planned and promoted the attack on Mexico. As that first U.S. war of aggression drew to a close, volunteer General John A. Quitman became the military governor and dictator over Mexico City. The U.S. A. prepared to seize Mexico's northern territory, the area from California to Texas. Yet Quitman proposed to President Polk a plan for the forcible annexation of all Mexico, to be an area for negro slave plantations. During the peace negotiations, Quitman travelled as a conquering hero to Charleston, South Carolina. He was crowned a Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Scottish Rite, and became the most powerful and prominent member of the Rite's Supreme Council. John Quitman's grandfather was governor of the island of Curacao, the Dutch West India Company's slave concentration camp; his parents had fled the Caribbean slave revolts, taking their slaves with them to New York where John was born. In 1830, young Quitman had been formally commissioned by the Scottish Rite, leaders of the secession movement, to establish their organization in the state of Mississippi. In the autumn of 1849, General Quitman held a meeting of anti-Union operatives from throughout the South. They resolved to call a formal convention of the Southern states for the following June, to begin the breakup of the United States. Quitman became governor of Mississippi in January 1850, and his Nashville secession convention met from June 3 to 12. Delegates from nine states proclaimed the rights of slaveholders. Quitman and his clique meanwhile moved to provoke immediate civil war. He proposed to lead a private army from Texas, to conquer the new U.S. territory of New Mexico on behalf of slavery. President Zachary Taylor faced Quitman down. President Taylor was determined to bring the new southwest into the Union as free states. On June 21, 1850, nine days after the secession convention, Governor Quitman was indicted by a federal grand jury for violating the U.S. Neutrality Laws! The charge was based on Quitman's leadership of a well financed conspiracy to invade and ``liberate'' Cuba from Spanish rule. Then two weeks later, on July 3, President Taylor threatened to hang those ``taken in rebellion against the Union. '' The next day the President fell ill, vomited blackish material, and died soon after. The Quitman prosecution was delayed. (You may recall that Taylor's body was recently dug up by Kentucky authorities, looking for evidence of arsenic poisoning.) The following summer, 1851, Quitman brought fellow Mississippian Jefferson Davis to Massachusetts to meet with Caleb Cushing. They picked the man to be nominated by the Democrats for the U.S. presidency: volunteer General Franklin Pierce, a member of their clique in the Mexican War. Pierce surprised everyone by taking the nomination at the convention. Then, August Belmont, the U.S. representative of Britain's Rothschild banks, paid for Pierce's 1852 election campaign. Though this blatant foreign intrusion caused a flareup of resentment among the voters, Pierce was elected the 14th President, and his foreign and domestic backers took over. Caleb Cushing became U.S. attorney general. Jefferson Davis became secretary of war. Banker August Belmont became ambassador to Holland. Scottish Rite chief John Quitman was now ready for serious business. Some months earlier, when he had finally gone to trial, he was fortunate that Louisiana private attorney Judah Benjamin had been specially hired by the federal government to run the prosecution against Quitman. The jury was hung (rather than Quitman), and the charges were dropped. This outcome should not be too surprising to us, given prosecutor Benjamin's own growing role in the faction of which Gen. Quitman was then the shining star. Benjamin joined Slidell as a U.S. senator from Louisiana at the next election, and was a top leader of the slaveowners' insurrectionary government. Let's look for a minute at the trio of Slidell, Belmont, and Benjamin. Slidell had a master's degree in political dirty tricks, learned as a member of Aaron Burr's machine in New York and Louisiana. Slidell had politically schooled Belmont and had brought him into the Democratic Party, and Belmont married Slidell's niece. Slidell had also virtually adopted, taught and brought into politics the young Judah Benjamin, a British West Indian Jew living in Louisiana. Both Belmont, and his banking client Benjamin, were passionate backers of the expansion of slavery into Latin America. When he was a young private secretary for the Rothschild family, Belmont had toured continental Europe doing financial and political intelligence work for the Rothschild bank, a pillar of the British royal family. With Britain meddling in Spain's civil war, the Rothschilds had sent Belmont off to the Spanish colony of Cuba in 1837 to ``take charge of Rothschild interests'' in Cuba. Belmont's ship stopped over in New York and he never went on to Cuba, but his subsequent U.S. banking and political career was often focused on Cuba's wealth and strategic location. Following the 1853 presidential inauguration of their candidate Pierce, Scottish Rite chief John Quitman and his New York financiers signed a formal agreement making Quitman the ``civil and military chief of the revolution'' which they would impose on Cuba. Once he had seized the island, Quitman was due to receive $1 million from the proceeds of the revolutionary bonds the financiers were floating. Quitman's criminal enterprise recruited as many as 50,000 U.S. mercenaries for the intended invasion. But the Spanish authorities brought these plans to grief. They emancipated most of Cuba's slaves, encouraged racial intermarriage, armed the freed blacks and recruited them into a militia through which they could defend their own freedom from the gringo attackers. The Spanish governor arrested Quitman's intriguer, Captain James D. Bulloch, when Bulloch brought his ship, the {Black Warrior}, into Havana. Senator John Slidell of Louisiana demanded the U.S. neutrality laws be repealed. Attorney General Caleb Cushing called for a naval blockade around Cuba. But given the military realities, saner heads prevailed, and Quitman was placed under legal restraint. After the {Black Warrior} affair, the Quitman mercenary force was absorbed into a new, more aggressive movement with enlarged aims. The {Knights of the Golden Circle} appeared first in Cincinnati, under the supervision of the Scottish Rite's midwest organizer Killian Van Rensselaer, a longtime underground military operative for Britain in North America. So Cincinnati was the northern capital of the pro-slavery, Masonic terrorist underground. From there the Knights spread throughout Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, down the Mississippi to the Gulf south, and into Maryland and Virginia to surround the national capital. The Golden Circle was to be a new slave empire centered in Cuba. It would break up the U.S.A. and conquer Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. The Knights armed and drilled up to 100,000 would-be emigrants, raiders, rapists, and slaveholders. They were organized into lodges called ``castles,'' with Masonic signs, grips, and passwords. They were to kill the hated Catholic Hispanics, and fill their places with black slaves brought fresh from Africa. This is the first ``North American Free Trade Agreement''! (The Masonic imperialism of the Franklin Pierce administration lives on as the romantic, elite legend of the Eastern Establishment. They celebrate that legend in the marriage of President Pierce's blood relative Barbara Pierce to George Bush, whose imperial ideas are rooted in the events of the 1850s.)

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