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Text: Subject: A Little Help... Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 17:33:43 +0100 From: "Mark R AINSWORTH" To: Hello Dale,I have e-mailed before and thought you might be interested in this information.   Until now, no-one has seen fit to find and easy way to reproduce "Phi" on the calcualtor. Here it is-simply : 2 x sin54d = Phi,therefore 2 x cos36 = Phi( 1.618033989 ). Just as the relationship of hypotenuse of face/base to centre of the Great pyramid is Phi/1( angle of face is 51.82729237). Which is the angle of incidence of the secondary rainbow often observed in the aftermath of large storms.   Hope this is of some use in your endeavours.     Yours faithfully,   Mark Ainsworth.

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