Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Q. "What would you suggest I do to improve my personality?" A. "Increase the force and influence of thy INDIVIDUALITY and thus may the personality be improved, or this shine through thy personality. Know what thou knowest and then be humble with it, so that those who seek thy counsel, those who are in association with thee know that thou hast a knowledge of those influences as from which the fountain of knowledge and understanding arises - that is based first in the SPIRITUALITY. Not goody-goody, but HELPFULNESS, HOPEFULNESS to all. Be optimistic in EVERY association. Not as an exaggeration but as would ever be, if the Lord be upon thy side, or if thou art right and right indeed, Right does EVER succeed. For it is not by might nor by main but by the still small voice within that the individual is made conscious of being in the right, that produces, that induces those influences of a personality that becomes the GREAT force and power in the associations and dealings with thy fellow man." Cayce (1285-1)

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