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Text: Sharing As Equals in A Relationship Q: Can you address, at least for me, something on a much more personal plane? B: All right. Q: I know that, as you've talked about patterns, I've been aware from my own personal experience, my personal primary relationships, that my pattern has been one that has not been what I would call successful; or particularly valuable to me on a plane that I would consider very nurturing. B: All right. Q: And I would like to have your input, if you would, regarding the past relationship that this was... and what will be; and what is necessary for me to make that take place? B: Did you learn nothing of a positive nature from the relationship? Q: I learned something of a positive nature from the relationship. B: Which was? Q: To see more clearly the pattern that I have had, and the, the. B: To recognize what your belief system is, and if you do not like it, to change it. Is this what you are saying? Q: Yes, yes. B: All right. Now in this way, what is your definition of the belief within you that you have discovered? Q: I'm not sure I understand. B: Can you vocalize a definition for the belief? Q: Yes. B: Go ahead. Q: That I see myself showing less of my power, of my goodness, of my positive self-esteem, self-confidence, self-worth, in a personal primary relationship than in any other part of my life. B: All right. Why do you suppose you would do that? What - if you were to, for a moment, truly use your imagination - what if you used those things you wish to use at any other time in your life in a personal relationship, what do you imagine would happen? Q: That I would empower that relationship as I've empowered other aspects of my life. B: And is that what you wish to do? Q: Yes. B: Do you find yourself holding back from doing that in a relationship? Q: I have to say, apparently so - because I see that as the result. B: Perhaps only because you may be looking for that relationship in order to feel complete in your life. Q: That's very true for. B: But understand: you are already complete. Not that you will not grow, not that you will not expand, not that you will not broaden your understanding of yourself; but as you are, you are already complete. As the idea you are being at this moment, you are a complete version of that idea. When individuals in your society very often believe they need the other relationship in order to recognize themselves as complete, then very often what they only attract is a reflection of the belief that they are incomplete. And that is what they attract as the other individual - a reflection in the belief of their own incompleteness. When you know you are complete, when you function as a total being, in that way, then you can attract an individual to reflect your belief in your own completeness, and share that as an equal with you. Rather than feeling like you need the relationship or you will not be complete. (Tape change) Q: ... in my life, and not having that. B: Understand that nothing is missing - nothing! Not one thing. Nothing! You have it all right there, right within you. Everything. The only thing that makes you think something is missing is that you believe something can be missing. And so when you go looking for it, you create a sense of loss to give yourself purpose in looking. But nothing is missing. It is an illusion; it is an assumption. Perhaps it comes from this basic and fundamental belief that many of you are taught in your society: that you must achieve - or that you can try to achieve - perfection. Do you believe you will achieve perfection? Or do you believe you desire to achieve perfection? Q: No. B: Understand: you will never achieve perfection. Do you know why? Because it's already here. Q: Yes. B: Because you are already perfect. Now you say: "What do you mean, I'm already perfect? I don't have this in my life; I don't have that in my life. How can I be perfect?" The idea is to paradoxically recognize that every moment that exists, it exists for its own sake, on its own terms. And one moment has no business being compared with another moment. Everything you do at any given moment is a perfect manifestation of the thing you're doing. Not that you will not do different things later on; not that you will not do more expanded things later on. But the thing you are doing is a perfect flawless manifestation of whatever it is you are doing - even if it is perfect misery. It is still perfect for what it is. And paradoxically, the way to then create in your life what you would prefer to create, is to allow what you have created to be perfect. Because nothing that comes along will then be better, it will simply be different. But it will be equal to anything else you have ever done. When you allow all possible choices in your life to be equal with any other choice you could make, then every choice exists on the same level. And then it's easy to choose which one you prefer, and manifest that in your life. Only when you think of things as being on different level - this is better, this is worse; this is good, this is bad, et cetera - do you then create the separation that makes it hard to reach for something you want. "Oh perfection. There it is, somewhere just beyond my reach. Oh, someday, maybe if I try very hard, I'll reach perfection. But boy, am I going to be tired by the time I get there." When every choice you could make and every experience you have is on the same level, then you won't have to climb for anything. And you won't have to feel that you ever fall down to anything. Everything is laid out before you on the same level. Everything you do is a perfect manifestation of the thing you are doing. You're allowing the way your life unfolds to be the way it needs to unfold - and that is when you have greater control over how it unfolds. is any of this making sense? Q: Yes. B: Are you sure? Q: Yes. And without asking you for a prophecy - from a prophecy perspective - yet I still want to ask: what do you see lies ahead for me in the way of lessons to be continued, and the result regarding the relationship? B: If you are willing to recognize - and as soon as you are willing to recognize - that you are complete and have a lot to share, and that you are willing to share as an equal with another individual - then if that relationship still remains necessary in your life, as soon as you are willing to recognize it, it can occur as soon as three days from that point; whatever that point is. When you decide to create that point, within three days you can attract an individual to represent what you are now willing to know about yourself. It does not need to take any longer than that. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: So when it occurs is up to when you decide that you will allow yourself to be completely and utterly valid as you are. And that you always attract the individuals into your life that reflect back to you what it is you need to know. First of all love yourself unconditionally, as Infinite Creation loves you. Infinite Creation loves you unconditionally. Grant yourself the same respect and the same attitude. Then share and be of service to other individuals, and you will feel always nurtured, in that sense, and you will not feel a lack of anything. Then, when you already know you are nurtured one hundred percent - as you are - you will attract a multitude of individuals who will be more than willing to reflect back to you what you already believe yourself to be - a nurtured being. But first you must behave like a nurtured being. Then you can attract an individual who will reflect that nurturing. But they will have nothing to reflect back to you if you do not already believe that you are intrinsically - just because you exist - a nurtured being. You follow me? Q: Yes. Thank you. B: Thank you.

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