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Text: Oxygen causes dissociation. Sometimes, and perhaps erroneously, called oxidation. 1) It is said 30% Hydrogen Peroxide in the blood will dissociate the red cells. 2) Oxygen somehow helps people live but some bacteria to die. 3) Brown's Gas mixed with air will EXplode. Brown's Gas by itself will IMplode. Is the difference due to additional Oxygen? Is there a threshold? 4) Oxygen lies close to earth's surface but not higher up. 5) Does sunlight interact with oxygen to dissociate dies and paints? 6) Does sunlight activate the oxygen in water to aide or cause vaporization? 7) Does oxygen play a role in formation of tornadoes and hurricanes? Fire (molecular dissociation) requires three things: 1) Fuel (combustible substance) 2) Heat (temperature threshold or an ignition spark) [certain amplitude of infra-red oscillation] 3) OXYGEN 4) There is NO fire if any one of the above three is denied. Are we then to assume a certain amount of Hydrogen is attractive? While a certain amount of Oxygen is radiative?



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