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Text: (Q) Night of Saturday, February 13, or Sunday morning, February 14, 1926. "I heard a voice that I recognized as J. S.'s, our old friend from New Orleans, who loved me dearly as a child, yet whom I have not seen in 2 to 3 years. The impression of J. S. talking to me was very pronounced, and for a while I did not see her figure, yet I felt that she was with Mother at the hospital, as mother changed from this earthly consciousness to the other. J. S. was there as the transition was made - was now with Mother as she said to me: 'YOUR MOTHER IS AS HAPPY AS EVER -'" More J. S. told me about Mother which I can't remember. Recall and explain to me, please. (A) In this there is given to the entity that understanding of what is meant by the life other than the physical. For, as it is seen that the companionship of loved ones seek the companionship in that plane, for "As a tree falls so shall it lie," there is seen the message coming from the loved one to the one regarding the loved one, showing then that companionship, that without the loss of the care of others, as is seen. Then, the entity should gain that strength from that given regarding the condition, and know that the mother lives in that realm in which there is recognized J. S., and that the companionship is there, until those developments come from the earth plane to lead on to those higher realms, or to come again. For those many changes must come to each and every entity in its development. And as these are seen, then, the strength, the understanding, should be gained by this entity. For as is given, she is WELL, HAPPY, and FREE from the care as is given in earth's plane, yet with that same love as is raised through the companionship with the oneness of the spiritual forces with the soul, see? ...... (Q) Was J. S. there to guide Mother over the transition from physical to spiritual? Both died within 3 weeks - both must easily have yet been - be in this plane as yet - is this so? (A) Both in physical plane or earth's sphere as yet, until that force leads on in its ever developing toward that Oneness with the All Force, see? ...... (Q) Does she try to tell me "I am alive and happy?" (A) TELLS the entity "I am alive and happy" when entity will ATTUNE self to that at-oneness. (Q) I feel her with me, particularly as I kissed her clay body - I felt she knew and responded - but did she, or do I fool myself? (A) In that manner that entity poured out self to that entity, the response came. No, not fooling self, for the SOUL liveth, and is at peace, and would that this entity know that it liveth. And as has been given, "In my Father's house are many mansions, were it not so I would have told you," and "I go to prepare a place for you, that where I AM there YE may be also." This is as applicable to the entity in this hour as was given by the Redeemer to those gathered about Him. For as we entities in the physical plane prepare that at-oneness, it is as He gave: "Even as I be lifted up will draw all men unto me," or has been given, when speaking to those that would seek His face, "Say not to thyself who shall descend into the depths to bring Him up, or who shall fly into the heavens to bring Him down, for the spirit of peace, truth, and love, is WITHIN THINE OWN HEART." As the spirit of self gives that attunement that may be at a oneness with those spirits in that sphere, they may know, they may understand, they may gather, that TRUTH that MAKES one free. Cayce (136-33) F 21 (Housewife) 2/15/1926

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