Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: With this desire of self's aggrandizement there was brought separation in the next plane, yet bound together in physical affections one for the other. In that of the Egyptian rule, in the first of the pharaohs do we find this connection as separated brought to the earth's plane. There we find again the priest and the lawgiver in they, though separated now in male and female. In 12,800 B.C. we find together. The desires then coming from the sex desire between the two for the developing, and in that we find it counted as righteousness in both, for - though in the priestcraft in the one, and given to sexual desires in more than in one - the desire remained in the One, for which the Oneness was created. [See 262-67, Par. 21-A.] The earthly age in earth's plane, though, as given, this in itself brought destruction to the female early, and in a few years to the other. Again we find in the Arabian forces, when soon both are brought to the earth's plane, though far separated this time in their station and their earth's conditions, being or giving each, or, as it were, each receiving that as commensurate with their lives lived in earth's plane, with the intent and purpose of developing toward the Oneness again. (For all souls are one in Him, and must return.) In this we find they become opposing forces, one on the earth's plane in that sphere surrounded with pomp, grandeur and all the good things as called in earth's plane, and educated (speaking of the female) in the courts of royalty, and the companion of the king's offspring [369]. The man [294] we find as Uhjltd, in the warring forces of the plain, having the course of the outcast, as it were, from the better things, yet seeking the submission of others to the will and to the animal developed forces in the entity. With the meeting, when each have become so taken, there is the realizing of, or awakening to, the oneness of their souls in the plain [plane?]; both having been made, first one, then the other, in the prison position, or slave position. There we find both of good stature, beautiful in figure, form, and in all the charm of bodily forces par excellent to each. In their close association they become enamored of each and give of themselves to the pleasures of the bodily forces, as known, and which had not been known in the same manner and form with others. For, with this long innate force being dormant in the soul and spirit, again the bodily forces and charms of the sex became those enclosed with each, that a giving of satisfaction not understandable to others was experienced and known. (Hence each must know that in the present earth's plane the giving of the forces in this capacity may only be the harkening of the entity being brought to the force in the soul and spirit developing to the oneness of same, to which it must come to present itself before the Creator, as in the beginning.) We find there - after this - (in these we give one of the illustrations of the history of these associations, of which there were many, and were for days enacted, and for which both suffered physically, and they each bear in the body at present a mark designating these conditions. On the female body, just below the left breast, to the side and on the edge of breast itself, the mark, and an answering one on the body of the male, in the opposite proximity of the breast, but) these were the conditions enacted: When these were in the cave, to which they had fled, when each were escaping from the vengeance of the forces of each army, and were with the company of two others (these we deal with), the day had come when they made then the companion of king's daughter and the teacher [295?] of both [369] and [288]. Their lives had been despaired of, and - though the maid had held the affection of her lord and master above that of self, still the answering of spirit and soul gave the answering with the body beautiful. For, the charms in breast, neck, thighs, naval, all gave of the beauty as would reach the soul of the mate, and the crying of the soul's desire, both in the carnal and the answering of the oneness in each. After this giving of the life [[369]'s suicide?] and the dressing of each for the journey into Egypt for embalming, each with bodies oiled and dressed from the cave spring, repair to their couch of skins, and there watch the sun's slow sinking over the desert sands. And in this fading hour they first find the answer of body to body in the soul's awakening, as they melt into one; giving then an offering to the world, who, in the form and in the stature of the great leader, gave the first philosophy of life and love to the world [Zend? See 288-27, Par. 21-A, 9/25/31], coming from this union. Cayce (288-6) F 19 (Secretary, Protestant) 6/2/1924

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