Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: (Q) The hardest task, as was said by many who preceded me (and of course are greater than I), is to put these great fundamental principles in simple terms to people who seek not a lecture along ethical lines but some scientific relationship of their own being, to religious convictions in which they are already convinced. (A) None is convinced in that science or religious convictions are one. The first lesson for SIX MONTHS should be ONE - One - One - ONE; Oneness of God, oneness of man's relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, ONENESS in every effort - Oneness - Oneness! (Q) That's the hardest principle for the physical layman to grasp, particularly - as Ouspensky points out - TIME. That's the stickler. (A) Time, in every one and in each illustration that may be applied; and be sure many of these carry as much humor as they do that of the shadow, that the Oneness is shown in these illustrations. (Q) Now in the life readings, in studying same I note a change of sex from one incarnation to another. I - (A) How oft has there been the expression heard, "Were I a man - ", or "Were I a woman - I would do so and so? They do it! That as is constantly builded in the mental being takes shape in the home of the soul, whether to build that of the man or woman in a material world; for man is so much a portion of the whole as to either be a co-worker, a co-builder with the oneness of the force called God, or a destroyer - and as these forces then are builded, they take physical form through that experienced by the body of the ENTITY (not the physical, but the BODY of the entity - the soul). The soul is that everlasting portion of a body that is either crowded into that (beings that are known as men and women) of small or great stature. As has been studied time and time again, as has been given in relativity of force - in the active principle of the atomic conditions that take place in the material and spiritual world - the surroundings of the individual has ITS influence, see? that is, it has been long seen and known by man that the Laplander gradually attains to a certain stature and build. Why? The material surroundings are such that there is constantly implanted in the soul of the entity that that is that necessary for the best development through that individual plane, phase, place, position, of such peoples. Peoples seek, then, through that same channel through which it (the soul, the entity) may develop, that as necessary for its experiences to bring the perfect understanding of that oneness of which there has much been spoken. .... (Q) I'm seeking that based on that which I have already studied - Now, regarding vibrations - that are but the application of the principle that I somewhat understand - the theory I get a little bit, sufficiently to teach - yet its application in terms of chemistry, engineering, or any other field of science, medicine for example, in the assimilation and secretions of organs of the body, I do not quite correlate. (A) How oft has it been given thee that in application the understanding of a theory is understood? As has been given, that to know and not to do is sin. To not know and to err is sin. To know and to apply that that is known is growth in the understanding of that as may be gained. Just as has been seen in the experiences even of Watt, in how that the raising of the lid was not understood - but the same force put into application brought to mankind much of that that gave a more perfect knowledge of steam. In the fall of the apple there was little other than may be experienced in any individual's life. Only Newton first saw that it applied to his relation with the universe and how it held the whole in the oneness one with another. In the application of the KNOWN the THEORY was gradually known by those who applied. Do thou likewise. (Q) Yet what I mean - for example, to be definite - I can imagine the oneness of this force as respecting the air, the minerals, and Niagara Falls for example - but I might not be able to do even what the material minded can do, who can imagine no such thing in utilizing the Falls. (A) This is a very poor illustration. Rather take the apple, from which there seems to have fallen - Does the apple grow from the seed or the seed from the apple? (Q) The apple grows from the seed. (A) The seed grows from the apple, because the apple and the blossom is there before there is the seed. These are all one in the purpose, as is seen in the growth of that which beareth that fruit that is known as the apple. The oneness of this force, once understood - by these various illustrations as may be given from the study of the correlation of the experiences of the body - Don't get the examination exercises before you get your A B C's. Commence at the beginning! Be satisfied with a beginning, not be looking for the end before you BEGIN! See? In the correlation of these INDIVIDUAL applications, as has been given thee - and as will be given thee by those who have just been pointed out to you - there will be shown the way. Believest thou that? Then DO IT! We are through for the present. Cayce (900-429) M 33 (Stockbroker, Hebrew) 3/9/1929

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