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Text: The 14th Hebrew letter, Nun (N), means a fish, a living creature born and intended to live in water. Fish have always been closely associated with divine activities in some peculiar manner, which accounts for the similitude employed in the story of Jonah, an ancient Hebrew poem fraught with extremely profound spiritual instruction and alluded to in the Christian gospels as containing a sign of permanent value to warn all who may ever be inclined to stray from the path of divine direction. Every student of comparative religion and philosophy must be impressed with the persistent frequency with which fish and processes pertaining to fishing are mentioned in close connection with the life and conduct of great spiritual teachers. Joshua, who succeeds Moses and actually conducts the Children of Israel into the Land of Promise, is styled in Exodus, Son of Nun. The name Joshua signifies a guide, a leader, deliverer, emancipator, and is the Hebrew equivalent of Jesus.

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