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Text: "When you are thinking, experiencing, creating beliefs, you are in a constant state of planning. And when you aren't available to the current moment because of past or future thought projections, you miss what you have gone to all that trouble to plan. When you become aware that all the planning and managing you have to do is to clearly align your focus on the feeling you wish to have from your experience, you will have defined the meaning it holds for you. All the details necesary to facilitate that meaning, that occurrence, will happen without any additional efforting on your part. That is the nature of your experiences whether you are aware of consciously planning them or not. It is why you would deny creating any unpleasant event. You do not recognize the details or specifics as being consciously planned. And indeed, you most probably did not do so consciously. But I will assure you that your perception and meaning of the experience was a direct reflection of your beliefs." Dialogue on Awakening, page 172 [emphasis added]

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