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Text: One Eternal Now Q: I want to express how much I appreciate and love being here. B: Then realize you have thanked yourself, for you have brought yourself. Q: I know at times I have that tremendous love for all people, all things. B: At times? Q: At times. That is what... I'm feeling it more and more, becoming more all the time. But at times I do have a tremendous withdrawal, of creating this shell back around me. B: All right. But realize 'tis only your vernacular which creates the confusion. Do you understand that because there is no past, there is no future; there is only one eternal now -- any time you feel that love, then at that moment it is all the time. You follow me? Q: Right, yes. B: Then you may play with words as much as you wish, but understand that you do -- when you feel it -- you feel it all the time. Because in that moment that is all the time there is. Q: So all I have to do is just (--?) all the time, and I'm there. B: Yes. Q2: That is to say that when she doesn't feel it, she doesn't ever feel it. B: Right. In other words, in that moment that is her entire universe --feeling something else. Because you create time. Therefore all time becomes permeated with that immediate feeling of yourself. That is why you do create the past and the future from your present -- and the tonality of your past lives and your future lives are determined by what your present understanding of yourself is. It represents itself as those portions of the past and future lives you are willing to focus upon. In other words, if you feel pretty rotten about yourself in the present, you will focus on all the rotten portions of your past lives and blame your present situation upon them. Q: In this discussion of time and timing then, earlier you said that... well in my case, the timing was perfect that I am perceiving, or not perceiving, or thinking I'm not perceiving beings or whatever. B: Timing is always perfect in every case. You cannot be off track. Q: I believe that; I understand that. I guess my question is that I asked you something along the lines of how I have already determined the timing for myself then -- and the first question is: does this mean that I am at the effect of a decision that I can't remember making? B: In a sense. Q: How can I become not the effect of that? How can I, with my.? B: By recognizing that the timing can be now. Q: Okay. Now, if I say, "Okay, well it's now." for some reason. B: Not if you say now; if you know it is now. "Oh, how can I know?" Q: Right. I. B: How-how-how-how? First of all by recognizing that every time you ask how, you are separating yourself from the now understanding, because you believe that, "I must ask how because it is not here now."... Did you like that? Q: I understand what you're saying. B: Thank you. Then at that moment, right then, of understanding -- and right now if you wish -- you are completely there. Yes, this is the way it feels. Q: This is the way it feels. B: Right now. Q: Oh, I see. B: When you said, "I understand." What makes you think you do not still understand? And again and again and again, understand. And continue to understand. And know that you understand. Q: Well, I believe that I intellectually understand. I'm not sure that I. B: All right, that is your belief. Q: But I'm not certain that I'm perceiving. B: Why not? Q: Because I'm not aware of it. B: So what? That is an expectation. You are assuming it will feel such and such a way. When you allow yourself to know that you do experience it, then you will begin to feel it. Q: What's required in allowing myself to do that? B: Recognizing that cause and effect are the same event. Q: Okay. B: Many individuals feel that before they can be happy, they need a reason to be happy. If you allow yourself to simply know that you are happy -- why not? -- then nature, you as the automatic creator, which does not allow there to be a vacuum in creation, will supply you with all the reasons -- causes -- necessary to support the happiness you have created as an effect. You cannot have an effect without a cause. Therefore, if you create the effect by knowing you are happy, the cause will be there. In other words, your life will become that ecstatic explosion of coincidence, bringing to you every situation necessary to support the happiness you have created within that life -- because it cannot leave you hanging with happiness and no reason for it. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: The same with any idea. If you know you are abundant, you will be abundant. Because you cannot be left hanging with the knowledge that you are abundant and nothing to support it in physical reality. Q: Why is it that we even have problems with this then? We have apparent problems; we say. B: You create the idea of a problem -- which is only a situation you will not allow to change shape. It is, again, a remnant habit from a tool that has served you. You are now developing a new habit, a new way of looking at more of yourself. It will change. Q: I see. So it's really just a matter of overcoming habit. B: Yes. First of all recognizing that you even have one. Recognize that because you can question the idea that you may have a habit is, in and of itself, at that point, the moment of complete transformation. Because when you are totally living in one reality, you will not question that there may be another one that might be possible. The moment you question the idea that you might be able to make a transformation from one idea to another, in that moment of the question you have made the transformation -- because you have recognized another idea. And by being able to recognize another idea, you must have, of course then, become the vibration to be equal to recognize you perceive that idea. And by becoming the vibration -- in the instant of recognition - - you were the idea: therefore you were the reality in that moment. But then comes the habit of believing that at that moment it is not real, and it is something that must be attained. If you allow yourself to simply recognize that, then in the moment of revelation that represents a total reality, you will continue to experience the reality of that revelation. You will not need to grab for it nor hang on to it. It will simply continue in that way. Q: So we're just trying to break bad habits here. When I say trying, we're not doing it. B: Yes. You are changing your idea of yourself. Q: Yes. B: Thank you. Q: Thank you.

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