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Text: Precognition And Responsibility Q: I'd like to ask a question. I guess it has to do with the aspect of our coming into our own knowing. And because of All That Is, that means we already know ahead of time. B: Yes. Yes, in a sense. Q: So there are a couple of different points about this. Precognition - is it a conscious kind of sign telling us that we already know? B: Yes. It is one way to become consciously connected to All That Is and all the probable realities that you can experience. That is not to say that is not the only way you can experience your connection, or that that particular probable reality has to be manifested, but it is one way to recognize the connection. It is one way to recognize that the future and the past are all in the present. And that when you "pre-cognize" something you are only tuning into the fact that it exists NOW. Q: I've had a number of experiences that come under the heading of precognition. B: Yes. Q: For instance I had a vision that showed a Yogi in a bubble that turned within the bubble and became a wave, and then the wave turned into a stallion before the wind. I read a book about two weeks after that called Shamballa that talks about an aspect called Wind Horse. B: Yes, the manifestation of what we have been describing - synchronicity. Everything is synchronicity. Precognition is also conscious awareness of the fact that everything is synchronicity. Q: What keeps coming up for me is it seems that these things - in terms of my walking around self - are kind of happenstance. That is they come and they go. B: Yes. Q: And what I would be interested in knowing is how you communicate these things and give yourself signals that... B: Yes, they are in your terms, signals. The only thing you need to do is act upon them according to how you feel you want to - follow your excitement. Q: I would like to have it be on a larger scale. B: I just told you how to: act upon it according to your level of excitement that is all that is necessary. When you act upon what synchronicity you attract into your life, according to how you are excited about acting upon it, then that act alone will also increase the flow of synchronicity to you. Q: I feel in some ways that I am acting upon it. B: You are. Simply become aware of the fact that you are acting on it all the time, and then you will see everything seem to increase, or accelerate. Understand that all the ideas that anything is accelerating is only a perception of acceleration. Nothing really speeds up... except your level of awareness that everything has always been coming to you in exactly the rate it needs to be. Q: I feel like I have been doing that - it has been speeding up. B: Then take it for granted that the rate it is going is exactly the rate it needs to go at. And if you are willing to live in the present and not in the future then you will experience infinite acceleration. Infinite acceleration can be felt in exactly the same way as if you are standing perfectly still. Which may make you wish to judge that you are not going anywhere, but you are infinitely accelerated. Because to be infinitely accelerated is to be everywhere within All That Is at the same time, which can allow you to feel like you are standing perfectly still. Simply take it for granted that you are infinitely accelerated. You already do exist on every single level that is possible to exist upon, so become consciously aware of the fact that that is so. And you will not have to consciously become aware of exactly how it is so - simply become aware of the fact that it is - and then your life will manifest in that way. You will simply know, that whatever is happening in any given moment of time is exactly what is supposed to be happening. There will never seem to be a moment of time in which it seems nothing is happening -- for everything will be something that has value to you. There is much information in silence. Do you understand? Q: I do, I understand. When you were talking earlier about feelings and how people have different perceptions of a given situation, we also don't want to do something consciously that would hurt somebody else. It seems to me that there is an aspect in our society, sort of like the good guys where everybody wants to be... like be the nice guy and not hurt somebody else... but in doing that it leads them to... B: Recognize that the idea is that individuals who desire that, many times only desire it because they are not willing to simply live as the being they are. They are trying to live the lives they think everyone else thinks they should live - and that is not being themselves. Q: I think it's fairly rampant in terms of how we've learned to live within society. There are also a lot of people walking around out there that haven't really broken loose of it... B: So what? Q: ... that I have to deal on, on a daily basis. B: Again understand, if you know what reality you are, then the way that you will feel the interaction between you taking place will not be negative. You will understand that you are willing to be an unconditionally - unconditionally - loving reflection to them should they decide to share the same reality with you. You are providing them with more than enough opportunity to see an example within you, of how to see that reality as well. Not that they have to - but you don't care because you know that what they are choosing is what they need to learn. So you love them anyway. And it does not feel like you are being forced to interact with something you do not want to interact with. Q: Its hard not to want to make a difference in other people's lives. B: Oh, it is? Why is it hard? Q: Well, it's... B: Because you are more willing to take responsibility for them, than for yourself? Q: (Laughing) Bingo! (AUD: laughter) B: Understand the idea is that you cannot be responsible for anyone, you can only be responsible to them - by being responsible for you. To be completely who you are is being the best responsibility to them - you cannot be responsible for them. It can't be done. You can create the illusion that you are, but it never happens. Q: Thank you. B: Thank you. Sharing!

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