Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Q: Shivai, Bashar! B: Shivai! One moment. Shivai is a word in our ancient language, which we no longer use, the language that is, and Shivai simply represents the principle that you would perhaps colloquially boil down to saying, "go for it." The idea is simply, that in our civilization, when an individual had a focus, had a dream, they did not allow themselves to allow anything to stop them. They went straight ahead; moved straight ahead, as what you would call, in a warrior way, with clear vision, clear intention, clear direction. And if there seemed to be a situation where they needed, as you would say, perhaps, some space to be who they were, then the individual that was on that particular path would simply, at that moment say, "Shivai," and all other beings would stand out of the way, to allow them the broadest and clearest possible path to reach and obtain the goal they desire. So Shivai, continue.... Q: I would also like to say that it works on our planet, too. B: Absolutely, of course. Q: ...well I think I have the opposite situation. Instead of things humming along synchronistically, I seem to be at a sort of standstill. I don't know which way to go. I'm feeling at a loss. B: We have mentioned this idea of a limbo state with many of you. Usually individuals assume that when we say "limbo stale," we are referring to those times when it seems you are floating, stalemated, where no particular direction makes itself any more apparent than any other direction. You do not necessarily have a particular momentum or impetus to move in one direction more than another. You seem to be at a standstill for some reason, and cannot fathom why. Sometimes you don't even want to know. But the idea of the limbo state has a more precise, and in a sense, a much more profound definition, which we will share with you al this point. The idea generally, as we perceive your consciousness, has been perceived as meaning thus: a state in which you must now wait for something to happen. Having done all you can possibly do, there is no more you can do now. You are floating in a limbo state to see what falls out of all the things you have set up. You are now, in a sense, coasting. All of these are real definitions, but they do not touch the essence, the mechanics, the structure of what that waiting is all about. The idea can perhaps be best explained by going back to another analogy we have discussed before: the film strip analogy. We have talked about the idea that different moments in time are, as your scientists say, discrete quanti - that is, every single moment is its own now universe - and in the next moment is a completely different reality altogether. Whatever it is at any given moment you decide you are, will utterly determine what the next moment will be shaped like, in a sense, how you will experience that next moment. One moment does not have to be connected to the next until you impose upon that frame, and upon that entire filmstrip, the idea that there must be continuity, one leading to the other. We have talked about the idea that your life, and your many lives, are like the frames upon a strip of your film, one frame at a time, one life at a time. In linear time it seems they come one after another; but that's the nature of your physical reality. Hypothetically, from the point of view of the projectionist, all the frames exist right now. Your entire life is there all at once - all your lives, all the frames - are there all at once. From the point of view of the hypothetical projectionist, which is the same as your Higher Self, or your Oversoul, any frame can be viewed at any moment, in any order, regardless of the way you think you have to view it in linear time. It doesn't have to be from A to B to C... This idea of the Limbo State can be looked at from the negative or the positive way, just as anything else can be looked at. As we perceive it, the way your society generally has interpreted what we mean by limbo state is from the negative side - and this is not meant as a derogatory statement. The negative way to look at this is to view the following analogy: Let us say you are looking at your life as a strip of film running through the projector and playing out on the screen at a certain speed. When most of you talk about the "standstill limbo state, when things do not seem to be happening," you usually look at this as the product of the film somehow slowing down, going into a static state where all of a sudden you are focused on one frame. And you don't know when the film is going to start up again. Looking at the Limbo State as if your life has slowed down is the negative way to look at it, so let's look at it from the positive point of view. You will get the same effect - the focus on the now moment - if you realize that while the film is still going at high speed, you have accelerated. Your ability to see the frames has accelerated and sped up to match the speed of the film. You are now going as fast as the film. It is like our earlier analogy of the stroboscopic effect. Many of you have seen the idea that when something is moving, such as falling water, and you place a strobe light upon it, you can freeze the action and allow one drop of that falling water, seemly, to remain suspended in the air before you. In a sense, this is what many of you are now doing. You are accelerating your perceptive abilities up to the speed of your creations. And so it seems as if things are standing still. It seems as if they have slowed down and nothing is happening. But understand there is a very profound difference in how you look at this. If you look at it as if your lives have slowed down, as if the film has slowed down, then you usually wait around for something to happen and do not take action, do not move in life. However, if you understand that the only reason things seem to be standing still is because you have caught up to the speed of your creation, then you can understand that that point of view is now a point of power. You are in perfect equilibrium with the rate at which you are creating your reality. What this means is as follows: when you are in perfect equilibrium with the rate at which you are creating your reality, moment, by moment, by moment, then that means that everything around you is moving at the same rate. Inertia is balanced, and therefore everything has the equal ability to be moved by you in the direction you prefer. They all have the same rate of speed; you are all moving parallel, synchronized to each other. There is no great inertia to overcome, therefore. Your motion relative to each other -- you and the events in your life - are now moving at the same pace, and you can gently push them in any direction you want to. Q: That sounds like what happens when we practice the martial arts. B: Yes. This, in a sense, is the "secret" of your martial arts. Your master of those martial arts will tell you that the reason a small, seemingly weak person can move a stronger, larger person in any direction he wants to is because at one particular moment in the action of the movement of the larger person toward the smaller one, the smaller one matches the speed of the larger person. At that moment they are exactly equal in inertia. Neither is moving relative to the other, and therefore it's a very simple thing to cause the larger person to move in any direction the smaller person wishes him to. There is no mass or momentum to overcome, as everything is moving at the same pace, and they can interact with each other any way they want to. So this limbo state, this time of seeming standstill where it seems as if you have done all you can do, is actually the time when things can happen most magically, most quickly. The only reason it may not seem to be doing so is because you are standing there waiting for something to happen. Allow yourselves to look at the limbo state from this point of view - truly see your point of power. Understand that you are now pacing, synchronizing the rate - the literal rate - at which your consciousness is creating the moments of your reality. Each and every moment is a discrete moment, a discrete definition, a discrete reality. They all flicker, one after another at an astonishing rate - so fast that your physical reality seems to be an unbroken continuum of time. But it isn't. It is discrete moments, discrete definitions. When you find you are floating in that limbo state, you are at the point of power to allow any factor, any event in your reality, to move in the direction and in the style you prefer to. All you have to do when you arrive at that point is act in your direction of preference, act as the representation of the reality you prefer to have. Things will fall into place in your lives immediately, happening synchronistically. Now, I do not say this to set you up, but the only thing that would cause you to hesitate is perhaps when you see that when you are in that state where it is so easy to create the reality you want, some of you may be afraid of the power you finally realize you have and back off a bit from it - because you will realize in that moment how powerful you actually are. The creation of your day-to-day reality is second nature to you. You are so powerful in doing it that you have been able to forget you are the creators of that experiential reality. That's how easy it comes to you.... It is so easy that you've been able to overlook your responsibility for all that creation. Every single second, every single moment, you are exercising choice of what you believe is the most likely reality to manifest in that moment - every single moment. That's how powerful you are. When you allow yourselves to match the rate at which you are creating that reality, you will feel like you are standing still. You are traveling at infinite speeds, and when you do that, you are everywhere at once. And when you are everywhere at once, it's like you are standing perfectly still. The only way you get a sense of the motion is when you have a relative measurement between your reality and what you are calling another reality. If you know that all realities, all events, all creations, are equal to you because they come from you - when you allow them to all achieve that equilibrium, then you are all falling at the same rate. Nothing is moving faster; nothing is moving slower. You can move the pieces around effortlessly, because they are all gliding. You are all together as one event, one idea, and you begin to see all the events in your lives truly as extensions of your selves. I am not speaking figuratively; I am not speaking philosophically. I am speaking physically, mechanically, literally. You are the creators of your reality. What you have called the limbo state is your point of power; it is living in the present, in the now. You are, shall I say allegorically, about that far away (holds two fingers very close together) from having everything you want. All you have to do is go that extra little step. Of course for many of you - and again, not to set you up - that last little step is the most difficult. You have been taught over, and over, and over again: "It can't be that easy; I can't be that powerful." But you are! As we have said, because you are aspects and reflections of Creation, you are made in the image of God. To be made in the image is to be an echo of God. And in that sense, you are that powerful. You are Creation itself. You are the dreams of God, the hands of God, the instruments, the tools that all beings in creation are. As I tell you over and over, you - and we - are all the different ways the Creation has of expressing Itself within the creation It is. It is your nature. It is the very fabric of your existence to be the power itself. You don't have to develop swollen egos to recognize that. You can allow yourselves to be at balance with all things, and still at the same time know that because you are at balance with all things, everything is an extension of you and will move in the direction in which you allow it to move..because you say so! Because that's your job. In a sense, as aspects of the Infinite you are given the responsibility to create your immediate reality in any way you desire. That's why you have free will. Just as a side note, and just referring to some conversations we have had with a few of you from time to lime, it seems quite contradictory to us that there are members of your society who insist that Creation instilled free will within you, and then at the same time sought to control your lives with Its will. You have free will, and you can create any reality you desire; that is being made in the image of God. Act as such and you will have heaven on your Earth - guaranteed. Q: So it seems we are going to be in a limbo state for a while. B: That is up to you. Remember, limbo states are not only collective, they are personal. If you find yourself in a personal limbo state, while you may recognize that you can exist in an overall bubble, a collective bubble, you can still, as an individual, do many things within that overall bubble - things which will allow it to not necessarily remain as long as it might have, had you, as an individual, not acted. Once again - the present is your point of power. In the Limbo State you are not waiting; you are not at a standstill. You are at infinite speeds. Move in the direction you prefer, and all will automatically, synchronistically fall into place. In your own personal world things will change. Just because there is a collective limbo state doesn't mean you cannot have everything you desire in your own personal reality now. The more you create the reality you desire to live in now, the faster you will represent a living example to everyone else as to the type of reality they can create collectively also. And that will speed up the whole process. So it's really still up to you; it is in your individual hands. Remember - one individual can have an impact over the entire planet. You've seen it done many times. Once again we remind you, because we love you, no matter what you choose to think of yourselves, we will always believe in you totally. You can create any reality you desire, and we will be with you no matter what that reality is you choose to create. But the type of reality you choose will determine exactly how we are able to interact with you. As you recognize that you can serve each other and create a reality of joy, then you open to us the invitation that is necessary for us to have from you, to enable us to interact with you, and together blend our race, and your race, into a larger civilization that can continue to explore creation in ecstatic ways. There is no end to it - at least no end that we have ever found in the thousands of years, in the thousands of civilizations, that have explored creation. There has never been found even the minutest inkling of an end. As far as we are concerned, there never will be. We rejoice in any opportunity you give us to share creation with you, but only if you are willing to be fully who and what you truly are. For if you are not, then it is not with you we will be interacting, but only with your idea of what you think you ought to be, only with your own illusions and delusions of self. We prefer the genuine articles; we know the genuine articles of you are creative beings, spontaneous beings, loving beings, beings who can create anything you desire. Thank you. Q: Thank you.

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