Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: What these researchers are trying to say but apparently do not have the words is: "sympathetic vibration" and/or "sympathetic oscillation". I'm always astounded when I read articles like this and see people beating all around the right bush but stop short of naming the name. DP 8/5/05 Nonlocal interactions and the paranormal In this case, nonlocal means that two events, though happening at distant points in space, must be instantly connected at the moment of their occurrence. Though they are quite separate spatially, they must be considered in some sense to be a single event. . . . To a parapsychologist, however, such nonlocal events sound remarkably like the operation of Jung's concept of synchronicity, and he wonders how he can bring these events into his system of thought. Telepathy, clairvoyance, action-at-a-distance, even precognition, seem technically possible if nonlocal hidden variables in some sense can call the tune. It is an attractive feature of the hidden variable theory of consciousness that Bell's theorem not only allows but demands that the hidden variables which would constitute any postulated subquantal reality be nonlocal in character, and hence suitable as a medium for otherwise baffling paraphysical phenomena. The hidden variable theory of consciousness asserts: (i) There is a subquantal level beneath the observational/theoretical structure of ordinary quantum mechanics; (ii) events occurring on this subquantal level are the elements of sentient being. This being the case, we find that our consciousness controls physical events through the laws of quantum mechanics. ? E. H. Walker and Nick Herbert, "Hidden Variables: Where Physics and Paranormal Meet," in John White and Stanley Krippner, ed., Future Science



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