Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: The Dawning Transition of Man The new age of cosmic man which is now unfolding for the saving of mankind from self-suicide by the barbaric dealings of man with man is a transition from believers in a far-off God of fear, whom they fear, to knowers of a universal God of Love, Whom they love. Those cosmic ones who KNOW God are the cosmic thinkers, inspired geniuses and illumined mystics who know God within them and see God everywhere. These are the ones who down the ages have uplifted man gradually by bringing the beauty into the world which has gradually given man his culture and his ethics. These are the ones who will unify mankind through their knowing to end this babel of tongues of many religions, and bring into being the ONE religion of the ONE God of Love. This now-ending Barbaric Age is peopled with GOD-FEARING MEN. The dawning Cosmic Age is to be peopled with GOD-LOVING MEN. The coming cosmic race of men will know that love is all there is in God-nature and that the expression - or manifestation - of love is all there is in the nature of the physical universe. Walter Russell, Home Study Course, vol. 2, page 94

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