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Text: Subject: [science-l] Newman and Ian Date: 23 Sep 1998 19:05:57 -0000 From: Jon-William To: Science & Spirituality List The following was a forwarded mail; Ian,..please note artcle #7 ???? FACTS CONCERNING THE TECHNOLOGY OF JOSEPH NEWMAN 1) Over 30 experts -- physicists, nuclear engineers, electrical engineers/technicians -- have tested Joseph Newman's energy machine (also known as the Newman Motor/Generator) and have signed Affidavits that it performs as indicated. 2) Dr. Roger Hastings (Principal Physicist with Unisys) has conducted hundreds of hours of testing on Joseph Newman's Motor/Generator and has signed Affidavits attesting to the operability of the Newman Motor/Generator. Dr. Hastings states: "The future of the human race may be dramatically uplifted by the large scale commercial development of this invention." In addition, Robert J. Matherne, a physicist from Entergy Corp, (and who was instrumental in the development of the nuclear power plant at Taft, Louisiana), has also attested to the significance of this new technology. 3) Joseph Newman has constructed many operational prototypes of his technology over the years, ranging in size from 4 pounds to 15,000 pounds. 4) The energy machine will totally decentralize our access to energy and will have a profound socio-economic impact upon our civilization. The energy generated by this machine is harmless, non-polluting, and will replace ALL present forms of energy generation. With the energy machine, every consumer could make a one-time purchase of a unit that could be installed in one's backyard and virtually unplug themselves from local utility companies. The energy machine could also be utilized to power all air, land, and sea vehicles and would elminiate the polluting effects caused by the internal combustion engine. 5) Joseph Newman has published a book entitled THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN in which he discloses all of his theories and the technical processes relating to the construction of his energy machine. It is important to Joseph Newman that this knowledge be preserved and disseminated. 6) Joseph Newmn has been working on his concepts for over 30 years. He submitted his Technical Process to the U.S. Patent Office several years before he constructed the first operational prototype of his energy machine. 7) The energy machine is a physical embodiment of Joseph Newman's Technical Process. Joseph Newman hopes that someone with the requisite ability will use his MECHANICAL innovations to formulate a MATHEMATICAL extrapolation. Such an accomplishment would be similiar to the manner in which Michael Faraday's MECHANICAL work led to mathematical theories developed by James Clerk Maxwell. [Although Michael Faraday was mathematically illiterate (his own words), he was a MECHANICAL genius.] 8) The theories of Joseph Newman also represent a precise, mechanical explanation of the phenomena of magnetism (not otherwise currently understood) and the principle of "action at a distance." When one understands the nature of the energy discovered by Joseph Newman, then one can understand how it would be possible to build a technical application capable of harnessing such mechanical motion (energy). As Maxwell explicitly stated: "The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is MECHANICAL ENERGY" and consists of "matter in motion." Joseph Newman describes the fundamental mechanical essence of a magnetic field as a massergy having a "gyroscopic spin." This gyroscopic action is fundamental to understanding the mechanical nature of electromagnetism. 9) Technically-speaking, what Joseph Newman teaches is that one's goal in the construction of one of his operational Motor/Generators is "to have the LEAST amount of current input to create the GREATEST amount of atomic domain alignment within the material of the conductor, thereby causing the GREATEST magnetic field to be created." 10) The energy machine of Joseph Newman is far more efficient than conventional nuclear energy and does not release any harmful radiation or emission. This invention can be used to power the home, industry, or to produce electrical energy for flight at a small fraction of today's cost. As Joseph Newman states: "The finished prototype of what I teach will drastically change the world for the good of humanity, more so than any invention before this time." 11) Joseph Newman has developed a precise and fundamental mechanical explanation for both magnetic attraction and repulsion as well as Fleming's Rule. An understanding of this explanation is what originally led him over thirty years ago to began to truly understand the mechanical essence of (electro)magnetic fields and enabled him to create an innovative technology capable of harnessing the energy contained within these fields. For additional information: Joseph Newman Publishing Company, 2050 Vineyard Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104 (303) 814-3403 Evan Soule' Director of Information NEWMAN ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES CORP. Websites: "In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be understood literally. All energy is the same as mechanical energy, whether it exists in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or in any other form. The energy in electromagnetic phenomena is _mechanical_ energy." --- JAMES CLERK MAXWELL X-Mozilla-Status: 0001 Content-Length: 15363 +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Science & Spirituality List : 459 members (public) | Archive-password: devotion | List-Operator: Dale Pond

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