Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: (GAIA) Dear seekers, these three forces (electricity, gravity and Mind) are quite connected, as are many things, inextricably. Let us frame the answer around the workings of your Musical Sphere. The forces described above are interwoven so that the staging of conditions to focalize etheric density, combined with karmic forces, Love and Gaiac Forces, conspire (breathe together) to form a Neutral Center or point of Etheric Implosion that evacuates molecular components, creating a situation of extreme potential power. The potential power is realized by natural evolution as dictated by the lines of travel and intersection of the forces called upon by the inherent construct. Let us talk about the nature of that construct. We have lines of transit of the forces going in and out that create acceleration of etheric dynamics. Included in the list are: nodal frequency acceleration of the time/space dimensional fabric of the Universe shifting toward the key range that supports Harmony. The Harmony referred to includes advancement toward enlightened coexistence with all Forces and Beings also supporting Harmony. Each contribution attracts and cohesively combines with kindred manifestations of Light in variant forms. This is the basis of "karma", gravity and evolution toward the One. Each of these represents a "rib" or line of force curved to circumscribe a torroid. Thus, each complies with and creates the natural and most efficient means of moving its evolution toward the One. The One is not a state of rest or quietude, but quite the opposite: a state of dynamic movement and orchestration. When a force field or its matrix is established in a form that naturally creates harmonics that also conform to the same configuration, even if offset in time or space, then this dynamic is created. If enough force is focalized, the fields or matrices created will be quite strong and create a stabilizing influence in surrounding conditions. This is true of thought patterns, consciousness evolution, etheric communication, etheric work, and gravity. Dawn Stranges

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