Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Activation of the atomic nucleus - by a deterministically patterned, massless charge structure - can be thought of as analogous to charging a capacitor. However, now in addition to the "gross overall magnitude of charge," we must speak of the magnitude of each specific charge of a particular graviton structure. The overall gross charge may have many infolded individual graviton structures (charges), each of which may be at a different magnitude. Now we may deterministially collect, store - and then discharge and utilize - specific spacetime/graviton/virtual particle flux patterns/structures, all hidden inside the envelope of "normal" potential/charge and inside "normal" electromagnetics. Note that this notion of a set of "partial charges," each of differing graviton-patterned structure, is similar to the notion of "partial pressure" in mixtures of gases. In the case of gases, the overall mixture has an overall pressure, but specific parts of that total pressure are due to specific component gases. In the new view, overall massless photon flux (electric charge) exchange between vacuum and a charged particle of mass, also consists of specific "partial charge" components. Further, some of these "partial charge components" can be deterministically structured. Another way to say this is as follows: The overall stress of the vacuum exchange with a particle of mass constitutes the overall charge of the particle. In the case of virtual photon exchange between vacuum and mass particle, the overall exchange flux constitutes the overall electric charge of the particle. The overall electric charge (overall photon flux) may be composed of several components. In some of these flux components, the photon flux exchange may be deterministically organized. Thus we can speak of the partial "electric stress" of electric charge of each component. The overall electric stress, or electric charge, is the sum of the component partial electric stresses/charges. We have moved the concept of electric charge an entire level deeper than is presently held in orthodox physics, by introducing the notion that an overall statistical virtual particle flux has ordered components. Quantum mechanically, the electric charge of a charged particle is due to an exchange of virtual photons, between the vacuum and the mass of the particle. Now we have added hidden structure to that virtual photon flux exchange that constitutes the electric charge of the mass. However, structuring of the (observably) massless virtual particle flux that is "charge" is easily proven be a gedanken (thought) experiment as follows: In present electrical physics, it is universally postulated that each potential has a charged particle somewhere as its source or generatrix. It is also universally postulated that, at a distance from the charge that is the source of the potential, the potential is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, in the most general ideal case. Thus the potential from the charge has everywhere in finite space a nonzero value. Now suppose that suddenly an electric charge is introduced (spontaneously created) in a small region. This charge is the source of a suddenly created potential - it is usually assumed - travels outward in all directions from the source, at the speed of light, decreasing inversely as the square of the distance. Theoretically, this potential will continue to expand out into the universe forever, at the speed of light, never quite becoming zero. By common physics assumption, all charges in the universe have such traveling potentials moving out into space, all the time. Now select a very distant point, many lightyears out into deep sapce. Through this point, incalculable weak potentials - from an incalculable number of distant charges - are moving through a small differential volume surrounding the point, from and toward all directions. These potentials are continually changing and interfering with each other. Since the distant charges were dynamic (i.e., part of moving systems, exploding stars, whatever), the potentials in the flux through the differential volume are highly dynamic and changing. The interferences of these potentials generates pair creation, pair annihilation, and other virtual paricle processes at an incredible rate and in incredible variety. In the differential volume of space around that point, this violent, continual interference of potentials produces what is a violent, extreme, virtual particle flux. However, we can take such a differential volume around any point in the universe, and a similar virtual particle flux will be present, generated by the local interference of potentials from the distant charges of the universe. The virtual particle flux of vacuum is completely deterministic a priori! It is still statistical, because a macroscopic observer will be unable to have instruments fine enough to detect and measure each and every single virtual particle in the flux. However, it still contains hidden order. In short, this virtual particle flux of vacuum is chaotic, not random, as we have just shown. All electric charge of fundamental particles always did contain deterministic substructures. All we are saying is that, to have higher levels of order inside the charge structuring, all that is necessary is to cohere the part of the basic determinism into higher levels ot determinism. To complete our gendanken experiment, we now show that. We now simply introduce some ordinary electric charges into and onto a geometric structure, such as a wire grid, or a shaped physical pattern of arbitrary intricacy. The charges adjust themselves according to the pattern, proximity, etc. When they are adjusted, we note that, in addition to the physical material, we have a specific, geometric charge structure in space at this location. Now we simply examine the potential radiating out into space from this charge structure. The potential from this overall geometric charge source will carry a structure into space that is precisely correlated to the charge source. Let us suppose that several (say, three) major geometric forms exist in the charge structure. Then three major geometric forms exist in the potential radiating out into space. Let us now traverse around the surface of a giant spherical shell - say a lightyear away - that has the geometric charge source as its center. The magnitude of the potential on each element of that surface is precisely correlated to the distant corresponding parts of the charge source. Let us now wiggle the charge source back and forth. One year later, corresponding wiggles (increase and decreases) of the values of the potentials in each differential surface element will also fluctuate, in precise correlation to the manner of movement of the distant source one year earlier. Mathematically, we are quite free to break the overall charge of the source into three parts, one for each of the three main parts of the geometric charge structure. By the superposition theorem, the potential from this three-fold charge structure, at any distant point in space, can be separated into three potential components or elements. Each of these potential components - which is now a partial potential with respect to the total potential - is precisely correlated to one of the three distant parts of the distant charge source. But that demonstrates that the virtual particle flux of vacuum - the potential - at any point can be and is structured. Further, it demonstrates a case of deliberately structuring the distant potential - and the distant virtual particle flux of vacuum - deterministically. This line of reasoning was advanced by Tom Bearden conceptually, many years ago. Happily, Puthoff has placed it on a rigorous mathematical basis, and extended it to show a complete giant universal feedback loop via vacuum fluctuation, between all the charges of the universe. See H.E. Puthoff, Source of Vacuum Electromagnetic Zero-Point Energy, Phys. Rev. A, 40(9), Nov. 1, 1989, p. 4857-4862. In the new concept, as a result of structurng of the charge flux, we have violated yet another of the physics tenets about charged particles: the present asumption that, in a collection of one type - say, electrons - each is always identical to any other. This identity assumption requires random variable treatment of the statistics, since the identical electrons are now a random charge ensemble. However, in the new view the electrons can have differing infolded charge structuring, and the specific virtual particle exchange of each electron is the same magnitude. That is, the overall electron charges may be identical, but the electrons may have differeing and deterministic partial charges. Thus the overall potential from a charge may have a deterministic or information content that is deliberately created and formed (shaped) by a living system. This hidden "information content of the field", as the Soviets call it, has been used by biological systems since time immemorial. It is used in controlling their deepest, most subtle living functions. Normal "electron-wiggler" detecting instruments do not see this hidden information substructure. The potential pervades an atom, completely through the electron shells and into the nucleus, centering itself there. As a particular partial potential is steadily impressed on the nucleus, gradually the nuclear potential changes its internal structuring so that more of it is composed of that partial potential and structured accordingly. This is known as activation of the nucleus, with a particular charge structure or information content. The EM coupling between nucleus and electron shells gradually changes the electrons in the shells slightly ­ including the covalent electrons bondng the atom to other atoms in a molecule. Gradually these bond structures also shift and change accordingly, as the activation pattern spreads through the bonding lattice structure. This is known as activation of the material. Years ago, Bearden called this activation process kindling, that is, the gradual integration/collection of deterministic virtual patterns (of the hidden information content of the potentia lfield) into corresponding macroscopically observable patterns. Activation of the material (or solution, or gas, or wave, or an overall charge potential) with a hidden information content consisting of deterministic patial potentials is the hidden physical mechanism and basis for psychometry and homeopathic medicine, for example. [How this takes place see INFINITE NINTHS, MODULATION; ENTRAINMENT.] In closing this note, an electron or other fundamental charged particle can also have a different magnitude of electrical charge than the accepted standard value. By internally structuring the potential and adjusting the magnitude of its components, the charged particle can be raised through a continuous spectrum of excited states (potential charge), and these excited states (this potential) can be deterministically substructured (tailored with hidden information) to affect the consequent interaction with a particle or other entity when the excited state discharges to interact with it. In this discharge, the hidden information content can be integated and collected on the interacting particle, changing the normal interaction that occurs ­ an example being, of course, homeopathic potentization and subsequent deterministic structuring and electrochemical action in the body from the potentized solution. This is how the electrical pattern of a chemical or compound can be impressed into and onto the bonding structure of water, for example, to potentize it with the "form" or information content of that compound, even though not a single moelcule of the original compound physically remains in the water. In the ensuing chemical interactions of the potentized water with the body, the activated information of the compound's form is discharged into the body and its cells, accomplishing electrochemical changes similar to those induced by the real physical compound itself when present. Electromagnetic homeopathy using the hidden information content of the field is the system of medicine that Devyatkov is talking about in his reseach and testing.


Source: 134

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