Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Cayce Quotes T1248-001 F [Pg 3] 17. Have more and know more of nature and of God's outdoors, rather than man's. See nature not "in the rough," then; rather in the expressions of Life! For each blade of grass, each blossom, each tree, each crag, each mountain, each river, each lake is as a gift from the Creative Forces in man's experience that he may know more of the love of God. And as a soul, as a developing body then sees in the creatures, in the various kingdoms as THEY care for their young, as they are selective in their mating, as they are mindful of the influences and the environs, learn from these Nature's lessons or God's expression to the children of men; that He indeed is in His holy temple and is MINDFUL of man's estate - if MAN minds the LAWS of nature, of God. For love is law, love is God. T1158-005 F [Pg 6] And in such even in the earth there comes the natural to be unnatural, and the unnatural natural. For Nature proclaims God, as the unnatural in nature magnifies God. T1968-001 F [Pg 4] 30. For the love of nature grows, and is akin to God. For all nature manifests life, and life IS the manifestation of God. T2986-001 M [Pg 4] 43. (Q) A move to the country is contemplated. (A) (Interrupting) By all means, move; for the closer associations with nature, nature's storehouse, and to the God of nature that is within and may manifest in self, will bring an awakening. T1073-004 F [Pg 2] 22. Hence the entity in the present may find music, song, indeed bridging that space between loneliness and joy, sorrow and happiness. Also in its application of self in voice, IN song, especially in those of the pastoral nature, the entity may bring joy - the desires for the awakening of self to nature, and nature's God. T1427-001 M [Pg 2] 20. Know this first and foremost: ALL HEALING of any nature must be of God; for God (in Christ, to man) alone is life, is health, is good; and when applications are made of mechanical means, electrical means, the vibratory influences of medication or what not, the GOOD is the manifestation of Creative Forces or God!

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