Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Edgar Cayce Readings, 4048-1 READING 4048-1 M 42 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 11th day of April, 1944, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [ 4048 ], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by the book, THERE IS A RIVER. Present: Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. (Notes read to and transcribed by Jeanette Fitch.) Time and Place: Set bet. 10:30 to 11:30 A. M. Taken 11:00 to 11:15 A. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Illinois. TEXT GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them. EC: Yes. We have the body here, [4048]. In giving the disturbances as we find with this body, there are many conditions to be taken into consideration. The activities in experiences in the earth have brought about much of that which is the experience of the entity today. These are the results of glandular disturbance. This, as every activity of glands that is controlled by the sympathetic impulses, is a part of the whole consciousness of the entity; as are many of the activities of the organs in the sensory system. They are not necessarily merely physical results in the present, nor are they to be considered as such in making administrations that would be of material aid. To be sure, there are pathological conditions, as is indicated by the gradual growth of the disturbance in the inability of the entity to control the voluntary muscular forces and nerves of locomotion. Unless there are those measures taken that will cause the spiritual and mental body also to respond, very little may be of any permanent relief to the body in this particular experience. The chemical forces of the body, or balance, are the material or pathological disturbance; and thus there is gradually used up by the system the stamina that is part of nerve energy or the reflexes as sometimes termed white and gray matter. The entity receives the impulses for activity, but the ability to control, or to have through the brain center itself sufficient activity to control same, is lacking. This indicates how each cellular force of the body-activity is a part of the oneness of the whole condition. As we find, first change the mental attitude. Begin with that application of that which the entity may gain from spiritual and mental concept. True, body and mind are the controlling factors. For mind is ever the builder. This, then, would be begun by applying that which the entity knows is of spiritual import in the experience of the entity. Do that first. Begin with these as the basis or principles: Exodus 19:5, Deuteronomy 30, St. John 14, 15, 16, 17. Know the speech, know the promise from the Father is to thee. Will ye accept it? Then in the material or physical, begin and apply the Wet Cell Appliance. This should carry in the beginning only Chloride of Gold vibratorially to the body. Make the regular strength, which has been indicated, with the solutions for the low form of electrical vibration. The attachment with the small copper plate would be to the 4th lumbar or at the lumbar axis, while the larger plate, through which the solution passes to the body, would be attached at umbilical and lacteal duct plexus. This, for this body, would be the width of three fingers from the navel center and two fingers up to the right from the navel. This would be attached one-half an hour each day. Change the charging solution every thirty days. Change the Gold Solution every fifteen days. Do take the connections from the solution when not in use. Do keep the plates very clean. Follow the applications of the Wet Cell Appliance (when it is taken off) with a thorough massage of the whole cerebrospinal system and across the diaphragm, the lower extremities also. Begin at the toes and massage through bursae of the feet and the calf of the leg and the knees and along the sciatic centers with this combination of oils: Olive Oil......................2 ounces, Peanut Oil.....................2 ounces, Lanolin (melted).............1/4 ounce. Do in the diet add, or supplement the diet with, the B-1 vitamin, especially, or B-1 complex. Do have a great deal of seafoods as portions of the diet. A great deal of fowl. Rather than the choice pieces of fowl, preferably eat the bony pieces, and do eat the neck and feet or any of the structural portion of the fowl. Do not take either of these fried, but broiled or smothered or prepared in the ways in which the bones of the small fowl may be eaten. Have plenty of raw vegetables also, especially carrots, lettuce, celery, watercress; all of these should be portions of the diet prepared often with gelatin. All of this done, we will gain strength. Ready for questions. (Q) What can I do for the hay fever and seasonal asthma? (A) Do these things that we have indicated. For these will correct the subluxations, by the massage along the whole cerebrospinal system, that causes the disturbance. Then with the changes wrought in the vibratory forces of the body, relief from all of the disturbance would or should come. Do keep in the open when it is practical. Do use the body or exercise, though do not strain the body. We are through with this reading. Copy to Self Copy to Ass'n file Copy under case number for indexing (GD's note: See extra sheet of directions [which was enclosed] to be sent to Mr. A. M. Godfrey, 2709 Lafayette Blvd., Norfolk, Va., for preparing the Wet Cell Appliance to be used in this individual case. Also article explaining theory of this Appliance [See 1800-24 Reports].) BACKGROUND 6/14/43 [ 4048 ]'s letter: "I have read the book THERE IS A RIVER and have become so elated over the wonderful things you have done for many unfortunate people that I have decided to present my case to you with the hope that you might also help me. "For several months previous to last June I had noticed a condition or weakness in my left leg and foot. On the day of my forty-first birthday, June 29, 1942, at the insistence of my wife, I went to a doctor for examination. After two weeks of various tests he diagnosed my ailment as multiple sclerosis. He then sent me to the Mayo Clinic for a verification of his diagnosis, and they arrived at the same conclusions as he. "I was told there is no positive cure for this disease so I am writing you with the hope that there may be something to be done and that I will find it through you. "I will be hoping and praying that you might give me some help." 2/04/44 [ 4048 ]'s letter to EC: "According to your letter of Oct. 4, 1943, I have a physical reading scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 12, at 3:30 to 4:30 P.M., EWT or 2:30 to 3:30 our time. "As you may well appreciate, I am looking forward with a great deal of anticipation to the reading and am placing a lot of confidence and hope in it. "I will be at my home at ... Ave., ..., Illinois, at the above specified time and will try to be in the frame of mind suggested in your booklet. "Following is a list of questions, any of which may be disregarded if they are not reasonable." 1. What was the cause of my present condition and is it what is known as multiple sclerosis? 2. Was the double vision I experienced 10 years ago the beginning of my present trouble? 3. What is the actual condition of nerve fibres and spinal cord? 4. Does my present work aggravate the condition? If a change is recommended, what type of work would be least harmful? 5. Must I be careful about exerting myself physically or should moderate exercise or massage be beneficial? 6. Is present treatment of Histamine and Vitamin B1 beneficial? 7. Can present weakened condition be corrected, and if so, how? 8. What is the reason for the weakened condition becoming worse at certain intervals? 9. Does diet affect my condition? 10. What can I do to relieve hay fever and seasonal asthma? 2/28/44 [ 4048 ]'s letter to EC: "I today received your letter of February 23 and was much dismayed to learn that my reading scheduled for February 12 had not taken place. Also I was surprised to learn that you had not received my letter of February 4 together with the list of questions as you had requested in your letter of October 4, 1943. I cannot understand this as I allowed a full week for the letter to reach you and it is so seldom any mail goes astray. "I wish that I had been notified immediately when my reading did not take place instead of ten days later as this all means so much to me, and as I have said before, I have placed more hope in this reading than I can ever express. "It was necessary for me to sacrifice time from my work for what I thought was the February 12 reading but I am willing to have done this if everything comes out as I hope it will. "The April 11 reading, from 10:30 to 11:30 A.M. EWT or 9:30 to 10:30 our time, will of course be alright with me, but naturally I would like to have it advanced if at all possible. This is another two months in addition to the original four. "If I hear nothing further from you I will send another list of questions to you well in advance of the April 11th date." 3/06/44 [ 4048 ]'s letter: "I today received your letter of March 3 together with Associate membership card. "I wish to call your attention to the fact that the letter is addressed to 'Miss' and the membership card is made out likewise. "There seems to have been considerable confusion in regard to my name and address since applying for membership in your Association. The first letter was addressed ..., Ill. instead of ... The next letter was addressed Mrs. and now one comes Miss. "I would appreciate very much to have a membership card without the Miss, if possible. Thank you." 3/13/44 Correction made with card. 3/25/44 [ 4048 ]'s letter to EC: "I am looking forward to my reading of April 11 next, 10:30 to 11:30 A.M. EWT or 9:30 to 10:30 our time, and will submit a few questions as you have requested. "I will be at my home at ... Avenue, ..., Illinois, at the specified time and will exert every effort to be in the frame of mind suggested in the little booklet you mailed me last summer. "Following are the questions I wish to submit: 1. The two things about my trouble that concern me most are first - the weakness of my left leg and second, the fact that with the least physical exertion I become very exhausted. How can these two things be corrected? 2. My trouble has been diagnosed repeatedly as Multiple Sclerosis. Is this correct? 3. Is there an abnormal condition of the spinal cord or of the nerve fibres in the affected parts? 4. Has past treatment of Histamine and vitamin B1 been beneficial? Also, what as to the Quinine I took for one year? 5. What was the cause of my present condition? 6. At times my work makes me very nervous and often leaves me in a very depressed state of mind. Are there any recommendations as to this, and if a change is recommended what type of work would be the least apt to aggravate my condition? 7. Must I be cautious as to over-exertion physically? 8. During the month of September of every year I have hay fever and seasonal asthma. Are there any suggestions as to the relief of this condition? "I would appreciate very much, Mr. Cayce, if you could drop me a line after receiving this letter so I will know that everything is 'all set' for the reading." 4/06/44 [ 4048 ]'s letter to EC: "Since writing you my letter of March 25, 1944, containing the questions for my scheduled reading of April 11 next, from 10:30 to 11:30 EWT, I thought of an additional question I would like to have included in the list you now have. At the same time I will give a brief summary of the eight questions previously sent you and the ninth or last one being, the one I wish to add. 1. Weakness in left leg and exhaustion after slight exertion. How can this be remedied? 2. Diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. Is this correct? 3. Is condition of spinal cord and nerve fibres in affected parts abnormal? 4. Has past treatment of Histamine and vitamin B1 been beneficial? 5. What was the cause or reason for my present condition? 6. Would a change of work be beneficial? If so, are there any suggestions as to what type? 7. Must I be careful about exerting myself physically? 8. What can I do to alleviate the condition caused by hay fever and seasonable asthma which I experience every year during the month of September? 9. A great deal of the time my left arm and leg feel cold, especially at night after retiring. Anyone who takes hold of my arms can notice the difference in the temperature of the two very easily. This no doubt has to do with the circulation, and if so how can it be stimulated in this part of the body? "Hoping sincerely that you have recovered from your recent illness, I am." REPORTS 4/22/44 [ 4048 ]'s letter to EC: "I received the report of my reading last Monday and can say that I definitely feel that I am going to be helped. Everything you suggest seems so reasonable that it gives me a new feeling of hope and security. "I am really absorbing the chapters of the Bible, am eating the things you listed and have written to Mr. Godfrey for the Appliance. All this, together with the massage, I know is going to help me. "Thank you." 4/27/44 EC's letter to [ 4048 ]: "Thanks for yours of the 22nd. "I am glad to know that you were pleased with the suggestions made in your reading, and I am surely of the opinion that if you will follow the suggestions you will get real results. "As I recall it though, you are to do the first things first. Don't depend upon the mechanical Appliance to do the things that you should do in your attitude toward others and conditions, nor your study of God's word and the application of it in your daily life. "Thanking you, and let us hear from you from time to time. With every good wish, I remain." 5/23/44 [ 4048 ]'s letter to EC: "I am in a quandary. Since my physical reading of April 11 last I have secured everything necessary to proceed with treatment but I cannot locate any Peanut oil. As a last resort I sent an order to a large chemical house in Chicago but as yet have heard nothing. "Can you arrange to have 8 oz. sent me or if you prefer just let me know where I can secure some of the Peanut oil. "I will appreciate anything you can do as I am anxious to get started with my treatments." 5/27/44 EC's letter to [ 4048 ]: "I have yours of the 23rd. "I think if you would order the Peanut Oil from Mr. T. R. Wirsing, 1001 3rd Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia, you will find some. "He takes care of a lot of the formulas that are given and I believe that he has Peanut Oil on hand. He is a registered pharmacist and he will send the Peanut Oil to you. We haven't it here. "Hoping that this will be satisfactory and that you can get it without any delay, with every good wish, I am." 9/23/44 Postcard to EC from [ 4048 ]: "The monthly bulletin received yesterday had one blank page. Would appreciate if you could send me another as I feel that I missed something very interesting. Thank you." 7/60 In Dr. W. N. Pahnke's breakdown of 69 cases of Multiple Sclerosis from the Edgar Cayce records, Case [ 4048 ] was included in Group I. 7/26/67 Letter from [ 4048 ]: "Approximately twenty-five years ago, I was given a reading by Mr. Edgar Cayce for a condition diagnosed by the Mayo Clinic as Multiple Sclerosis. "I proceeded at that time to secure the required unit and supplies for the treatments as suggested therein and continued with these treatments for several years. I have since that time lived a comparatively normal life, but during the last year or so I have been 'slipping' somewhat. I plan to resume the treatment but after all these years the copy of my reading has been misplaced. "Therefore, the purpose of this letter is to inquire as to what may be involved to secure a copy of this reading. "I would appreciate very much if you could send me this copy or advise me as to what may be required on my part to secure it." 7/28/67 Copy of reading was sent to [ 4048 ] with current data in re A.R.E., copy of Dr. Pahnke's breakdown, and Dr. Wm. A. McGarey wrote him asking for a detailed report on his case during the period he followed the treatment. 8/16/67 He, [ 4048 ], wrote that he was going to start the treatments again, following the information on page 8 of "A Study of 69 Cases of << MS>> ." 9/05/67 [ 4048 ]'s letter: "I was not completely incapacitated at the time treatments were started, although I used a cane. However, I have now resumed the use of the cane. During the period of treatments improvement was apparent. In fact I continued with my employment (sales-desk work) until Oct. 28, 1966, at which time I retired. I have, during the entire period, tired very easily but by exerting every effort was able to 'put up a good front' to my employers. However, during the last 6 or 8 months my condition has deteriorated somewhat and this prompted my letter [7/26/67]. I made an effort to take the treatments daily but this schedule may have had unavoidable interruptions. I stopped the treatments because I felt my condition had improved to such an extent that I felt they were no longer necessary... I'm anxious to resume my treatments at the earliest possible I now respond to the treatments should be of great interest and should be of great value to your records."

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