Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: "In the same way that the mind flow induces motion on the physical organism, sympathetic flows on molecular masses induce motion on the molecular. The motion of the molecules in all vegetable and mineral forms in nature are the results of the sympathetic force of the celestial mind flow, or the etheric luminous, over terrestrial matter. This celestial flow is the controlling medium of the universe, and one of its closest associates is gravity...The molecule is a world in itself, carrying with it all the ruling sympathetic conditions which govern the greatest of the planetary masses. It oscillates within its etheric rotating envelope with an inconceivable velocity, without percussing its nearest attendant, and is always held within its sphere of action by the fixed gravital power of its neutral center, in the same sympathetic order that exists between the planetary worlds. The dissociation of aggregated molecules by intermolecular vibration does not disturb even to an atomic degree these fixed neutral points. Each even to an atomic degree these fixed neutral points. Each molecule contributes its quota to the latent electrical force, which shows up by explosion after its gathering in the storm clouds, and then it returns to the molecular embrace it originally occupied. You may call this return, absorption; but it gets there first during corpuscular aggregation, and comes from there, or shows itself, during sympathetic disturbance of equilibrium." Keely in (1) pg 275-276


Source: 1

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