Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: (See SVP Reference 2 stack for these drawings.) "Each molecule has three envelopes. In the first diagram this is illustrated as a sphere upon which has been traced a number of meridian lines. The next diagram shows the three envelopes. The outer hemisphere of one of the envelopes is removed to show the under envelope, the outer hemisphere of which is removed in still another part of the diagram to show the inmost envelope. The third diagram shows the position of the atoms which the rotating envelopes enclose. The fourth diagram shows the lines of interference of the rotating envelopes. There being three perfect envelopes, these of necessity must have six poles, to which add the neutral center of the sphere itself, comprising the origin of the septenary of mysticism which is universal in nature. The fifth diagram shows the subdivision of matter into atomic, atomolic, and atomolinic. A black disk representing a sphere shows the negative atom; two white disks also representing spheres illustrate the two positive atoms in the triad, completing the tertiary aggregation forming the molecule. Each atom is in turn composed of three atomoles; in the negative atom are three positive atomoles, positive in the sense of activity; in the positive atom are also three atomoles, two of which are negative, i.e., passive, and one positive. The negative is always that which seeks the neutral center; the positive represents the active radiating energy: for instance, the sun is a medium for transmitting radiant energy of positive order, which all the planets receive negatively, i.e., it focalizes upon their neutral centers. This order extends to infinity. The final diagram intends to further illustrate the compressing force of the rotating spheral and the protection of the neutral poles. In the rotating envelopes force acts in the opposite direction to its action in the revolution of the earth, where the centrifugal action is greatest at the equator; and the greater the speed of rotation, the greater the center-fleeing force. In the case of the etheric envelope, however, the greater the speed of rotation, the more powerful is the centripetal (center-seeking) force which compresses the atoms within; the pressure, therefore, is greatest at the equator and gradually lessens toward the poles. If there were only one envelope, the tendency would be for the atoms to be oblate, to fly out at the poles, where the pressure is least. A beautiful provision of nature obviates this, by providing three envelopes, rotating one within the other, like three shells; the line of greatest internal pressure in each one of which being protected by the equatorial lines, the line of greatest pressure covering the line of least pressure on the others. Each of the three atoms is placed directly under one pole of each of the three envelopes. If the rotating envelope of the molecule were in any way checked in its motion, the enclosed matter would immediately burst forth, producing the phenomenon of disintegration, releasing from its previously pent-up condition a volume of matter many times as great as that before disintegration took place. Sound-force moving at certain rates of vibration negatizes the action of the rotating envelopes, producing conditions which result in their breaking up, followed by the separation of the atoms contained in those envelopes, and also of inter-molecular substance occupying space not taken up by the atoms. By successive orders of vibration the atoms, atomoles, and atomolini are disintegrated, and soon to the luminous order, where all control ceases."

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Source: 8

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