Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Here's how it works. The outside force, in this case gravity, resists the up and down shear. Under the surface, within the body of the liquid, gravity does not do this because each fragment of water is buoyed up by the surrounding water. Since the density of each bit of water is equal to the density of the surrounding water, each bit of water has a weight of zero. Under water gravity is effectively neutralized, and so transversal waves are impossible there. If a portion of water under the surface is raised by a shear, it remains in the new position, in spite of gravity. On the surface of a liquid the buoyancy effect does not exist. On the surface, gravity can interact to counteract a shear and cause the water to move back again into its old position. However, since the energy wave below the surface is longitudinal - that is horizontal "back and forth" movement - its old position when it goes down, is now forward to where it used to be. Then as it goes up again, its position horizontally goes back to where it started. This back and forth movement creates a circular wave form. The influence of an outside force - gravity - has transformed longitudinal energy into circular energy, a vortex. In the process, a transversal wave has been created, the waves we see traveling on the surface of the ocean. (Note, this is not the same as the waves we see crashing in the surf. That is yet another process.) A Working Theory for PrimaSounds We suspect that PrimaSounds work in an analogous manner to waves on the surface of water. It appears that when the frequency of the horizontal (back and forth) sound waves matches that of the transversal (up and down) waves, an outside force or energy is released which causes the sound waves to move in a circular manner. The matching frequencies appear to be analogous to the surface between two forms of matter, liquid and gaseous. They may well be a kind of gate between two worlds, or a doorway to a higher dimension. At this surface point an outside force causes the longitudinal wave to move up and down, thus creating circular sound waves, which in turn create transversal energy. These waves are neither longitudinal nor transversal, but a combination of both, just like waves on the surface of the ocean. The outside force which causes this to happen might be gravity, like with the sea. But it might also be the so called "strong" or "weak" nuclear forces that make up the four forms of energy now known to science (electromagnetic, gravitational, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force). We have found that a person's gravitational alignment and sensitivity will frequently have a significant impact upon the experiences invoked by PrimaSounds. This points to the importance of gravitational force to this phenomenon. Still, another force altogether might be involved, one not yet named by science, a force linked to a higher dimension or a unified field of all energies. We suspect that may be the case, because traditional wisdom refers to the chakras as possessing a kind of cosmic energy of immeasurable power, called by the Indians "Prana" and by the Chinese "Chi." We are unsure about the exact causes. But we do feel that when sounds of a certain frequency - PrimaSounds - are in contact with human (or other life form) energy fields, a circular energy results. The evidence which initially led to this circular or vortex sound wave theory was the discovery that an unusual number of "standing waves" are always created in any room when PrimaSounds is played. This unusual acoustic phenomenon was noticed right away by the Keyserlings when the music was first performed in 1971. It sounds as if all of the PrimaSound tones are standing waves. This phenomenon in turn suggested circular waves. For normal longitudinal sound waves, this kind of multiple standing wave phenomenon would not be possible. A standing wave is one which remains in place, with clear position and form. A few, and only a few, standing waves are always created with longitudinal waves in any enclosed room. Which particular frequencies of longitudinal sound will become standing waves is based on the size of the room. Specifically it is based on the distance between the walls If the room is fifteen feet long, then the sound wave which has a frequency that makes it fifteen feet long will be reinforced by the room itself. The sound wave ends at the wall and bounces back to the other wall, touching the wall just when it is reversing direction. Waves the size of one-half the room size, one-fourth, one-eighth, etc., will do the same. You can walk around a room and hear where they are resounding. They have a definite location, and since they are reinforced by the structure of the room itself, they play or resound longer. These are natural, acoustically produced standing waves. They cannot exist outdoors, barring only natural caverns or mountain wall echo effects. Many investigators have reported that when PrimaSounds are played, many more standing waves can be heard in a room than when other sound frequencies are played. (Moreover some report hearing standing waves outside, but this is more problematical due to the interference of many other factors, such as wind, other sounds, etc. and is more difficult to detect.) It appears as if PrimaSounds produce standing waves - a wall of sound effect - that is not tied to the acoustics of the room itself. Instead, it appears to have more to do with the people in the room and their energy fields. The standing waves are not acoustically produced by reflection from the walls. They are produced by interaction with the life form energy fields in the room - the chakras. Thus with enough people in a room, all of the PrimaSound tones become standing waves, moving in various rotational patterns. The rotational wave phenomenon allows us to understand this. If the sound waves become circular by interaction with the energy fields of the observers, they would naturally create more standing waves. In fact, the inherent nature of circular waves would be static, just like standing waves caused by interaction with the walls. Again the example of the ducks on water show this. The ducks are not pushed along following the movement of the wave on the water. They basically remain in one position traveling in a circular motion. First they go up and forward, then down and back. The ducks are like a PrimaSounds wave when in contact with chakra energy. They become circular standing waves. The PrimaSounds circular standing wave form pattern can be easily verified by anyone listening to the music. Play the music and walk around the room and you can hear definite "pockets" of sound, the places where it is unnaturally loud or quiet. To observe a more subtle, but still obvious phenomenon, just turn or move your head a little. A few inches, or less, will do. The music will suddenly change. One standing wave pattern will be emphasized over another. The smaller head movements usually reveal changes in the higher notes. That is because the waves for higher notes are shorter. The circles would thus be smaller. Conversely the low tones produce longer waves. (The lowest tones you can hear are over thirty feet long!) Thus the lower tones produce larger circles. Here you have to move around the room more to hear the shifts in the low tones. The effects are also changed by the person or persons observing the effects. The strength of the chakras in the room affects the degree of curvature of the PrimaSounds. With a good sound system, and a good group of people, the standing wave effects can be very dramatic. This acoustic phenomenon simply does not occur with regular music. These unique listening experiences provide us with an important clue that we are indeed dealing with circular sound waves, a phenomenon previously unknown to scientific investigation. The circular sound wave hypothesis is just one working theory to explain the standing wave phenomenon and strong energetic-spiritual effect of PrimaSounds. Many other theories are possible and at this point no final judgment can be made. For instance, the phenomenon may be tied to the inner dynamics of the ear itself. Perhaps the standing wave phenomenon is created inside the ear itself, and does not exist outside in the room at all! As another possibility perhaps it is created in the brain itself, instead of the ear. The acoustic processing of the brain is still a mystery. The phenomenon may be tied directly to the brain waves themselves. In that case, the origin would be purely internal and not tied to the form of the sound waves themselves. Some combination of the processes may also be at work. But, for now, the preferred theory to explain the physics of PrimaSounds remains resonance and circular energies. This is the simplest explanation, and the only one not based on pure conjecture and speculation. The PrimaSound waves are able to excite and amplify our energies because they vibrate at the same rate of movement, the same frequency. The resonance in turn creates circular waves of energies. This theory of resonance and circular waves provides a clear explanation for all of the unusual listening and consciousness phenomena associated with PrimaSounds. Moreover, there is a certain beauty to the idea that has a ring of truth about it. The circle is the bridge between the horizontal and the vertical. It is the one form which combines both directions in an even flow. A circular form to the energy thus seems to provide a solid theoretical basis to understand how sound waves can have a resonance effect upon the chakras. Going back to the analogy of the child on the swing one last time may help you to visualize and fully understand how circular energy can be a bridge between transversal and longitudinal energy, between the horizontal back and forth, and the vertical up and down. Although moving your hands in circular fashion might not be the most efficient way to push a child on a swing, and would require more delicate timing, it would still work to increase momentum. As you can see the resonance effect would still work to increase the force of the wave, and make the child go higher. Try it sometime. It just may hold the key to the secrets of PrimaSounds! CHAKRA MUSIC: the Story of Prima Sounds Copyright SCHOOL OF WISDOM 1994-1999; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Individual copies may be made and distributed without charge or changes to the text. ISBN 1-883185-94-7

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