Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Chapter 14: The Physics of PrimaSounds? By R.C.L. " It appears as if PrimaSounds produce standing waves - a wall of sound effect - that is not tied to the acoustics of the room itself. Instead, it appears to have more to do with the people in the room and their energy fields." This chapter will present our tentative theories on the physics of how and why PrimaSounds works. Nobody really knows yet exactly, in a scientific sense, how and why PrimaSounds works. Scientific explanations are inherently difficult for many reasons. For one thing, most scientists today still do not recognize the existence and importance of the subtle energy fields surrounding the body. Some day as Science progresses - the Unified Field is finally understood by physicists, and acupuncture is finally understood by Western medical doctors - I am confident that a solid scientific theoretical explanation for PrimaSounds will be developed. Still, the lack of exact scientific understanding does not prevent us from using PrimaSounds, any more than it prevents hundreds of millions of people in China from successfully using acupuncture. Since the discovery of PrimaSounds in1971 some coherent theoretical explanations have begun to form. They may not survive the test of time, and will almost certainly be modified as rigorous scientific testing provides us with more information. Still they provide us with a rational basis for understanding the physics of PrimaSounds and represent a starting point for further investigations. In this chapter I will share some of our discoveries and theories. We hope these early observations will spark further scientific investigation. If you don't care for physics, and aren't interested in scientific theories, you can skip over this section. But if you are like me and want to understand exactly how PrimaSounds work, why these sound frequencies have the tremendous power they do, this is the chapter for you! Transversal vs. Longitudinal Energy What seems certain at this time is that PrimaSound waves directly impact consciousness and bio-energies because of some kind of resonance effect. Since PrimaSounds move at the same rate -- the same frequency -- as the optimal rates of chakras, a strong resonance effect is created which increases the strength of the chakra vibrations. Resonance is one energy vibrating at the same frequency so as to amplify and re-enforce another. Recall the child on the swing discussed in the introduction. We think PrimaSounds push the chakras in the same way a child is pushed on a swing. Both depend on exact timing to make the swing go higher. If you push a child when they are still going backwards, you stop the wave. The swing stops. Only if you push just as the child has reached the top of the swing, and started to return, are you in resonance with the swing, and increase the wave. In the same way when a sound is in resonance -- which means a matching frequency -- the sound pushes at just the right time to catch the chakra energies, and make them go faster, just like the child. The illustration below shows the resonance on a child's swing to help you better picture the idea. This is an oversimplification, of course, and it still does not explain exactly how it works. For an exact understanding you must first comprehend the difference between transversal and longitudinal energy. Science acknowledges that the laws of harmonics are applicable to all longitudinal energy. Longitudinal energy is the "back and forth" movement of matter, such as sound vibrations in air. The air, on a molecular level, is compressed and expanded or rarified, resulting in a back and forth movement of the air molecules in the same direction as the sound wave. The energy particles are said to move parallel to the propagation of the energy wave. More controversial, but seemingly required by a fundamental principle of the science of chaos known as "fractal scaling," is the application of the laws of harmonics to transversal energy as well. Transversal is the "up and down" movement of energy fields, perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave. This is the wave form you normally see on an oscilloscope or on water. All electromagnetic energy is transversal. Here the energy particles move perpendicular to the propagation of the energy wave. I have not seen any scientific studies on the relationship between the laws of harmonics of longitudinal energy, specifically the well understood laws of music, and the study of transversal energy. So I am not sure if there is any generally accepted, albeit arcane, scientific opinion on these issues. However, as a matter of theory, based on the principle of fractal scaling and recursive self "similarity" (not "identity"), I doubt that all longitudinal harmonic phenomena repeat in exactly the same way with transversal energy, or visa versa. That is, there is probably not an identical repetition. But, since fractal scaling seems to be a fundamental law of nature, self similarity is to be expected as a matter of principle from one type of vibration to another. As far as I know, in science this theoretical question is still an open one. There is, however, basic skepticism in scientific circles that sound energy could ever have a direct impact upon electromagnetic energy, because longitudinal and transversal energies are fundamentally different. Remember I am talking about "direct impact" here - resonance. This is different from indirect mechanically mediated relations between the two kinds of energy, such as when a microphone translates longitudinal sound energy into transversal electrical energy, or when a speaker does the reverse. There is a natural "common sense" expectation that there will be no significant direct resonant interplay between the two forms of energy, that they will be like two ships passing in the night, one never touching or even seeing the other. One is energy with a vertically based movement, the other is matter with a horizontal movement. Recall again the child on a swing. When the adult pushes in the direction of the child's movement, and does so at the right time, that is, in resonance with the back and forth movement of the swing, the adult gives the child a boost. It is obvious that the adult cannot push the child by moving his arms up and down, like a transversal wave. It does not even make sense to talk in terms of resonance of the two movements. The adult has to push back and forth - longitudinally, not up and down, to attain resonance with the child, and push her forward. Moreover, to make the analogy complete, the adult pusher is physical (material sound waves), and the child on the swing is pure energy (electromagnetic energy). Under this view the two forms of energy cannot have a direct impact on each other. It would not be possible for PrimaSounds to resonate and amplify the chakras, or any other kind of transversal, electromagnetic energy. Yet in listening to PrimaSounds we experience that it does, so the ideas about such compartmentalism and "common sense" must be questioned. I think this kind of "either - or" thinking, Longitudinal versus Transversal, is an inaccurate carry over from outdated Newtonian physics where matter and energy were considered separate. Today we know they are united by the speed of light squared (E=MC*). Moreover, we now know that the energy "particles" are not really things at all, they are space time fluctuations - energy waves. From quantum mechanics we know that these energies sometimes act like waves, sometimes like particles, depending on whether they are observed or not, but their actions are completely unpredictable on an individual basis. Only statistical probabilities are possible on this microcosmic level. Personally, I am certain that the natural expectation of "two ships passing in the night" is wrong, that it is based on outmoded Newtonian gestalt. I think resonance can sometimes apply from longitudinal sound energy to transversal human energy. The evidence suggests to me that fractal scaling interlinks all forms of energy. The unified field is more than a theory, it's reality, despite the so called "common sense" expectations to the contrary. From my experience with PrimaSounds since 1972, and thousands of anecdotal reports, I am convinced that the harmonics of certain sound energies can have a correspondence with the electromagnetic harmonics of the energy fields around humans and other life forms. The longitudinal movement of matter at certain frequencies - particularly those arranged according to the seventh harmonic - can have a direct resonance impact upon certain kinds of transversal energies. It's as if they had a built-in microphone or transducer. There is at least one example in nature known to me, and commonly accepted by all physicists, which shows that transversal energy can have a direct impact on longitudinal energy. We need only look at ocean waves. Here we find longitudinal energy moving along the surface of the water. The waves show how the vertical and horizontal movements of transversal and longitudinal energies can and do sometimes interact with each other to produce a circular movement, an energy vortex. Such rotational movement is also found in whirlpools or tornados. In the ancient language of Sanskrit an "energy vortex" is called a "chakra." In all traditions, the centers of the energy fields surrounding the human body are described as emanating from vortices of energies. By understanding the phenomenon of a wave at sea, where horizontal and vertical energies directly impact each other, you can grasp how the resonance effects of PrimaSounds (a horizontal longitudinal energy) could have an effect on the chakras (a vertical transversal energy). The explanation requires a little more knowledge of the physics of longitudinal and transversal waves. Longitudinal waves are all matter based and cannot be conducted through a vacuum. That is why, for instance, there can be no sound on the moon. Despite what you have heard on Star Trek, a ship exploding in space makes no noise at all. There is no air to carry a sound vibration. Transversal waves, on the other hand, can be both matter based, and pure energy based. The prime example of pure energy based transversal waves is electromagnetic energy - light. Energy based transversal waves can travel through the vacuum of space. If not, we'd all be in the dark! Longitudinal waves can be conducted through all three states of matter: gas, solid and liquid. For example, sound can travel in the air, under water and under ground. Not so for non-electromagnetic transversal waves - that is matter based transversal waves. They can only be conducted through solids. They cannot pass through gasses and liquids. It is important to understand why. For a transversal wave to travel through matter, one section of a body must move sideways with respect to another, and then reverse that motion. This requires a type of force called a "shear." It requires a countervailing force to bring the portions of the body back into line. Such shearing force is present in solids which have strong cohesive forces between molecules. But in liquids, and especially in gases, the cohesive forces are very weak, and are not strong enough for shearing. If a portion of water or air is shifted sideways with respect to a neighboring portion, additional water or air simply flows in to fill the region left "empty" by the shifting portion. There is no shearing and thus a transversal wave cannot be produced. Instead, the energy simply dissipates into the immediately surrounding molecules and does not travel anywhere. So, why does it look as if there are transversal waves on the surface of the ocean? The ocean is certainly a liquid. Here is the key. Although it appears as if transverse waves are traveling on the horizontal upper surface of a liquid, in fact this transversal wave movement is produced by circular movements of the water particles. The water near the surface is moving in a circular vortex! The water moving in a circular path creates a transversal type of energy flow on the surface. A duck sitting on the surface of the ocean makes this apparent. The vortex on the surface between the two states of matter, gas and liquid, and the two kinds of energy, is caused by the interaction of longitudinal waves with another energy force. In this case it is the force of gravity. This other energy force then transforms the longitudinal water waves from a horizontal movement into a circular movement, a vortex. These rotational energies can exist only on the surface. Below the surface, the circular vortex waves disappear. They are impossible there, and there are only longitudinal waves, currents.

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