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Text: The Electric Ascending Current! August 1998 MIRRORING: An Energy Exchange with the SELF by Sraddha In order to understand mirroring, we have to start with and accept a few fundamental truths; the first being that whatever happens in our lives is never about the outside. Said a different way: there is nothing outside of Self. The second truth (actually the basis of the others) is that there is, was, and always will be only the ONE. The third is that we create our own realities; that we are the creators of our own individual universes in which all of the players are aspects of the ONE agreeing to play in each otherıs "movies". (This one may be difficult to fully understand; yet it is fundamental to the concept of mirroring). Once these truths are accepted, the principles of mirroring are easy to see. If there is nothing outside of self, then everything that we perceive as "out there" is only a reflection of what is going on on the inside. Everything is a reflection of our own creation, our own inner life drama staged to give us the experiences and reflections that we need in order to grow to our full enlightenment (or not, whichever we choose.) At the risk of reducing the meaning of life to terms that are a bit too simple: we come into three-dimensional reality in order to forget who we are. We experience and then believe in perceived limitations, and then start the process of shedding those limitations and beliefs as we begin remembering who we really are; the Ascendant Self. By being willing to look at and learn from the experiences we have chosen to create we facilitate the path back to full memory of our true Self. Being willing to do that without self-judgement - allowing for the perfection in our creations, even if that truth eludes us in the moment - also facilitates the process. Quite simply, if you are looking in a mirror and notice that the hair belonging to the person looking back is in need of combing, you donıt comb the mirror; you comb your hair. If the person in the mirror is beaming a loving smile at you, you know that it is you loving you, not the mirror. So, if the person in the mirror is showing an angry face and sticking its tongue out at you, guess who is angry and guess whom with? When you are looking in the mirrors of your life, the principles are the same. Generally speaking, if love is coming back at you, it is a reflection of your own love, for you have drawn it to your self. If anger is coming back, then that is most likely yours too. Occasionally, however, the "stuff" coming back actually belongs to the mirror. So how do you know the difference? Here are some guidelines for looking at the reflections coming to you: When you have no issues to see in a given moment, the reflections in the mirror will feel comfortable or "ok", there wonıt be any emotional "charge" associated with them. But when you have something to see or learn from the reflections, you will notice that something is "not ok", not comfortable, perhaps even painful. Imagine that every spot in you where there is an issue, wounded place, or an area needing attention or healing is ragged or covered with some sticky substance. So when there is nothing for you to pay attention to, the energy being reflected passes right on through you not sticking to anything; but when there is something there for you, the energy being reflected will stick to you. Whatever sticks, is yours. Whatever causes a response in you at all, be it painful or enjoyable, it is yours. So, if your neighbor yells at you tomorrow morning and the energy of his anger passes right on through you without a ripple, then it is his anger, his issue and on some level you really know this. But, if his yelling at you provokes an angry response, a desire for revenge or justification or whatever, then there is a place in you that resonates with the anger or event and therefore needs some attention. Your neighbor may be reflecting your own rage or quite simply your own self-judgement. If you see someone being treated in a way you judge as "unjust" and are upset by it, then there is a place in you that still resonates with the idea that there can be victims - even in a universe where we create our own realities. If you stand back a little bit from the mirror, you can begin to see patterns reflected there. For instance, you may have a tendency to engage in some behavioral "loops" that are hard to break out of, like the "Iım right, you are wrong" loop that many engage in. You and another person are both convinced that you are right and the other wrong and try to convince each other of the truth as you each see it. If so, viewing the other personıs behavior as a reflection of yours gives you clues to see where your issues are. When you simply stop needing to be right (the truth never needs defending), stop needing others to be wrong, start praising and stop playing, the loop goes away. The other people in your life canıt play if you donıt play. It may take some personal healing in order for this to occur. Great! Start praising yourself too. I have one more example. You may notice patterns such as this: girl loves boy, boy rejects girl; girl finds another boy to love, next boy rejects girl too, etc. etc. etc. A story line is being reflected here; one that quite simply says that girl doesnıt feel worthy of love and continually sets up scenarios to show this little problem to herself. When girl "gets" this and begins to actively love herself, others will soon follow her lead. Sound too simple? And how do you make these fundamental changes? You have Ascension Attitudes; they can be used to help heal all of the sticky and not so nice spots you see reflected in the mirrors of your life. So, seeing your universe as a mirror reflection of yourself will greatly facilitate your growth. It is only your own growth that is of concern here, however, and this is really important: You can not fix the outside. Just as you donıt comb the mirror when the person in the mirror needs a hair combing, so you donıt try to change the outside; you change the inside. When you change the inside, the outside automatically changes to reflect the new inner landscape. Again, stated more simply, here are some guidelines can be helpful to you as you deal with the reflections you receive: If it sticks, it is yours; if it doesnıt stick it probably is not yours. If it causes you to feel expanded, loving and joyful, it is coming from love and on the upward current of creation. If it causes you to contract, tighten up or want to withdraw, then there is a place in you that is probably feeling fear, a place that needs to be loved and healed. This is a place that you have an opportunity to go, even if you may not want to in order to heal. We are magnificent beings. We have created so many wonderful ways to forget and then begin remembering as we tread the path of return to our true Self, the One. We have all chosen different experiences and "wounds" to carry to the fires of the ASCENDANT. Nothing can withstand the power of the ASCENDANT. Everything brought to the ASCENDANT will ultimately be transformed. So ascend as much as possible with your eyes both open and closed. Praise, praise, praise. Be gentle with yourself. If the mirror shows you places where you can grow, that is all that they are. Praise the mirror; it is your friend. There is no need to whip or judge yourself harshly or to defend your limitations if you simply accept the reflection and get bigger. See each opportunity to grow as a gift that you can offer the Ascendant and as a giant step on your path HOME. Have a joy filled journey. Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site. Last modified: October 31, 1998

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