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Text: Subject: Silver Birch on God Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 "There is not a man seated on a great white throne. There is not a person. There is law." "With a mind?" a sitter asked. To which Silver Birch replied: "Mind is not always restricted to bodies like yours. It operates through law. You must dissociate mind from brain matter. Consciousness is not focused on the grey matter and cells of the brain. Consciousness exists apart from the brain altogether. You must not think of mind in terms of your little brain box. Mind exists in itself. In order that you may be aware of mind, you must have a vehicle through which it can express itself for you. You have bodies so that you can express yourself. If it were possible to visualize a state where there were no bodies, you would still exist but you would have no means of manifestation. "It is hard to explain to you because you can only think in terms of beings. It is impossible to explain in your earthly words that which is beyond words or symbols. You are dealing now with the stuff of creation. I cannot say there is a focalized force which is the Great Spirit. It is not that at all. The Great Spirit is the perfect mind, the perfect law which operates through eternity, without beginning and end. I cannot say that one day there was no light and the next day there was light. Life is a circle, without beginning and without end. The Great Spirit has no existence apart from the totality of the Great Spirit which is manifested in all creation." [Silver Birch on God]

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