Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Harmonious Accord - Dimensions and Focusing Consciousness, Bashar Q: Will you share with us the concept of the global brain, as it will affect the planet earth in the next one, two, or three years? B: You are already a global brain; how does it affect your planet now? Q: It seems to be in amounts of chaos in certain areas... B: That is simply because you do not have the neuronic circuits of the pathways of the global brain all proceeding in the linear direction in the same way. Q: Would you speak more on that regarding the next few years - what that might be, or what it might take? B: Understand this: you have already passed over the threshold, or what we would call the flashover point, in that way, to allow the majority of your society to create harmonious accord. Even though every single person will still be expressing themselves - him or herself - as an individual, you will still be able simultaneously to express a harmonious accord in the general direction of how your energy is applied. And as soon as you arrive at the point you call 2011 to 2013, that flashover point will kick in - in full force! - and you will be able to see a spontaneous explosion of synchronicity around the globe that will allow you to know you can get anything done, anytime, anywhere. You follow me? You will know you are in full communication, in whatever way you need to be, with every other individual on the planet. And we do not just mean human. You follow me? Q: Yes, I do follow you. B: Then you will begin to function as a global brain, and what that means is the body of the earth, in that sense, will be able to move in unison, and its cells will not be in conflict; it will be self- supportive. It will crystallize, and within the ethereal-magnetic sea that will crystallize - your consciousness being embedded in that sea - every ripple that any individual creates in that sea will be felt by every other individual, and be responded to accordingly. Q: Yes, I follow you. The specific event that we had appropriately nine of our earth days ago - are you familiar with the world meditation for peace? B: Yes. It had a very large impact in creating a new gate, the opening of a doorway through which you have all now passed. And again one of the results of having passed through that doorway will be to see more and more synchronicity occurring in your life; more and more coincidence. Right place, right time, right people, right situation, exactly when and where you need it. Q: Approximately how many of us were involved - on this planet - in that meditation? B: Including the idea of even a flicker of a thought regarding the meditation, which also has its effect, we perceive that it is in the neighborhood - and this, of course, can be our own point of view and how we perceive your energy - but from our point of view, it is perceived to be approximately 710 million. Q: Mmmm. that's great! Thank you. That includes all of the flickers as well. Does that include cetaceans as well. B: No. Q2: I remember us discussing the idea of many different dimensions or levels of experience, and I guess the idea seems to be that normally an individual would proceed from third to fourth to fifth to sixth to seventh, and so on. B: That's how you think of it linearly from the third density point of view, yes. Q: Is it possible to simply pass from the third dimension to the twelfth without necessarily.? B: In a sense, to some degree, yes. Because you already exist on every level there is to exist upon simultaneously. On the twelfth level you know this; on the third you may not. But the idea is: that on the third you can become whatever representation of that connection you need to be. You follow me? Q: Somewhat. B: You are not sure? Q: I guess not. B: All right. Allow me to ask you a question, if I may? Q: Yes. B: In your terms of linear thinking, in the way you have put the question, what would be your reason for going directly from third to twelfth, without experiencing all of the ones in between? Q: Well, the truth is that my experience with the third dimension hasn't been particularly enjoyable. B: Then you will probably remain in the third dimension until you realize that it can be. The idea is that when you invalidate an experience that you obviously chose to have, then you are not getting out of it what you can get out of it. And it will usually allow you to remain in that experience until you understand the reason for why you chose to be in it, to begin with. The quickest way to get to the twelfth level is to realize that you can - absolutely and in every way, shape or form - enjoy the third. Does this make any sense to you? Q: It makes sense. B: But you don't believe it can be done? Q: Well, I haven't reached the point yet where I find limitations particularly enjoyable. B: All right. But understand there are many different kinds of limitations. It is a form of limitation just to be focused in a specific way. Even in what you would call twelfth density there is still the idea of a particular awareness or focus that allows you to conceive of the fact that you are in twelfth density. That is still a type of limitation. Do you follow me? Q: Yes. B: Limitation, in and of itself, does not have to be inherently negative. You are simply buying into the belief system, or one of the belief systems in your third density reality, that all limitation is inherently negative - or that there can be situations that are inherently negative - but there aren't. No situation has any built in meaning. Whatever meaning you give to a situation is what you have been taught to give to that situation; it's what you have been taught to believe that situation means. But no situation has built in meaning; no situation means anything. The meaning you give to a neutral situation - a neutral set of circumstances, a neutral set of props - the meaning you give to that situation utterly determines the effect you get out of it. So if you do not find third density pleasant, then it is because you have been taught to believe that it is not. Only that belief - ONLY that belief!! - creates third density to be effectually unpleasant. Only that belief. There is nothing built into physical reality that says physical reality has to be unpleasant. Just because it is a limitation in a particular way does not mean that you cannot soar with exuberance in third density reality. And again paradoxically, since you obviously have chosen to be in third density reality, it is our suggestion that when you allow yourself to realize that you can become absolutely ecstatic in third density, that's when you will have cognition of the fact that you already exist on all the other levels already. And by allowing yourself to know that, will be simply the matter of shifting your perspective; rather than feeling that you have to climb your way out of some thick dark mire into which you have fallen. It is all point of view. The idea - and perhaps this will be of assistance to you, if you are willing to absorb it directly into your heart - so pay close attention to the following definition. Your idea - and we are speaking in general as well - of going from level to level to level, plane to plane to plane: that idea, that process, is simply the process of recognizing that you actually are the dimension itself that you previously thought you existed in. So if you find yourself thinking that you exist in third density, think again. You ARE third density; you ARE the physical universe; the physical universe IS you. When you know you are all that you experience the physical universe to be - and you are in control of what it is you do experience the physical universe to be - then it will be heaven on Earth; twelfth density on Earth, in earth terms. All levels align at a particular way of thinking, in a particular mode of thought. All levels align. All you have to do is realize that going from level to level to level is the recognition that you already exist as that level, and thinking of yourself in that point of view. When you allow yourself to operate as the collective totality that you are, then no one level will seem to be overwhelming - because you will be drawing on the totality of all that you are. You are not cut off from yourself in twelfth density; you are always able to draw from all of the power, all of the existence, the totality of the spirit and the soul that you are. Then no one level will seem to be overwhelming, because any one level will seem to be a small fraction of the total being, the total creator that you are. You follow me? Q: Mhmm. B: And when you function in that way - that of enjoying where you are - when you are there, living in the moment, living totally in the present, is paradoxically exactly the way to allow for the future and all the levels to accelerate most quickly into your present experience. For you do not go anywhere; it all happens within you. You bring those experiences to you - and even that, you are not literally doing. Nothing in the universe truly literally actually moves or goes anywhere; it is all perspective and point of view - all of it. Do remember this - and this also may assist you greatly when you allow it to sink into whatever portion of you it needs to sink into - and do not think you are not getting this, you are getting it on whatever level you need to. Relax within yourself. But do remember this: any of the ideas of what many people in your civilization believe to be entrapment: "I'm stuck here; I'm stuck there," is because you have been taught to believe that consciousness exists in the body. It doesn't. The body exists within your consciousness. There is a vast difference in the realization of those two definitions. Ponder that while you all enjoy a short break. -----------------------------Break----------------------------------- All right. Ponder that for a moment, then, if you will: that consciousness does not exist in your body; but that your body exists within the consciousness that you are. The idea, therefore, is very, very unlimiting - very expansive. For you can recognize that what you colloquially think of as your body is but one focal point within the combined idea of the consciousness that you are - out of which is created all the physical reality you experience. In this way, you can allow yourself to know you have much more mobility, in that sense, because you can always allow yourself to diversify your focus, disperse your point of view, broaden and expand the way you look at yourself; the way you look through yourself, the way you look through the idea of yourself that is expressed in body terms. The body is immersed in the collective consciousness that you are. The body functions much like an anchor point for the prism that allows the white light of your consciousness to channel through, to funnel through that prism, and become the specialized spectrum of light - the differentiated spectrum of light - that creates the differences you see in physical reality. The prism is formed, as many three-sided things are, from the three ideas you call belief, emotion and thought. Belief, emotion and thought form the ego structure that allows you to maintain in physical reality, to function as a physicalized form of your consciousness - or a physicalized representation of your consciousness. Your personality as a physical being - your persona - is not literally who or what you are directly, nor totally, in that sense. It is, in a sense, an artificial construct; it is representative of a particular idea that your consciousness is being as an expression of physical reality. So as that prism, as that cornerstone that you create your persona to be, you allow the white light, the homogenous oneness of your consciousness, to become focused into and through that prism; and display itself as the spectrum of differences that you perceive physical reality to be. It is simply one way of expressing yourself. And you do it because it is one way you can express yourself - because it is one of the ways that you can express yourself in creation, as an aspect of creation. Remember this: each and every being in creation is simply all the different ways that Infinite Creation has of expressing itself as the creation that it is. But everything that takes place, takes place within the idea of the consciousness that you are. Out of the consciousness that you are is created all experiences, so that any fragment that you create yourself to be may interact with - or interact as - to put it more literally. Any experience you are having is not happening to you, it is you happening as that experience. It is you interacting as the event of the experience. It is your consciousness intersecting the idea, recognizing itself, knowing itself as that particular event, or that particular experience. You cause an intersection to take place between the self and the ability to reflect the self to the self. Self... awareness, in that way, is what creates all the experiences you have. It is, in and of itself, the ability - Self-awareness is, in and of itself, the ability to create experience in a seemingly, I'll say seemingly, objectified manner. For there is no true objectivity; everything is a subjective experience. Objectivity is a tool; it is an attitude you can use to allow yourself to bring clear insight to many of the meanings of the experiences that you are, subjectively. By the way, allow us to interject at this time that what many of you refer to - not that we care whether you use this or not - but what many of you refer to in any given situation as skepticism is usually thought in your society, to be a display of objectivity. Skepticism is not objectivism; skepticism is an already inherent belief and bias in a particular direction. Contrary to what many of you think, skepticism is not what you typically call a true scientific trait. Objectivity is. Skepticism is a bias, and therefore it is an emotional trait, in that sense, and not truly what you would call scientific, even in your own terms. However, recognize that all points of view are valid, since they allow the individual to determine the experience that they are being. And therefore allowing them to determine what experience they would prefer to be, if they find that they are creating themselves to be an experience they don't prefer. Or what experience they would reinforce if they find they are being an experience they do prefer. But remember it can - as it did for us in our civilization - make a profound difference, in your recognition of your ability to create the reality you desire, if you will remember that consciousness does not exist in the body; the body exists in the consciousness that you are. And everything is malleable, and the things that seem solid are the things you believe are solid. And only the belief makes them solid. Only the belief. Everything is energy; everything is malleable; everything is you - expressing the unique facet that you are of Infinite Creation. Q: Does that mean that if I believed that this concrete were liquid, that I could slip down through it as if it were a. B: Yes. And you will find that there are individuals upon your planet who are beginning to exhibit such traits. For example, what you call levitation; what you call bilocation; what you call teleportation. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: All of these are examples that you truly are the reality you create. And that when you rearrange the definitions, then the reality will also rearrange itself - instantly. It is only because you have been taught, and only because it has been truly ingrained within your thought structure that physical reality - as you have been taught to believe reality is - is the only way reality can be, that you very often do bang into a wall when you walk towards it. Because you have been taught to believe... because you have been taught to believe you need to believe that it is solid. It has served you to believe so in the past. But now that you are beginning to awaken to the fact that physical reality is only what you make it, now you can play around a little bit more freely with it - because you now know you are in control of it. You follow me? Q: Yes. You made me think of an example I heard about at Stanford Research. B: All right. Q: They were playing with psychogenetic experiences of mind over matter. And they found that when they set up an experience that people were very familiar with - for instance, levitating a table in front of them - they had a great deal of difficulty. But something they knew only a little bit about, like moving a laser beam inside of a vacuum, they had a great deal more success with. B: Yes, because there is no expectation in the way. Quote/unquote: Everybody knows you can't raise a table by levitation. But almost no one in your society knows what is possible or not possible with a laser beam. You follow me? Q2: Yes. What would be a good way to re-sculpture one's belief systems? B: By getting in touch with what it is to begin with, and then redefining. Q: Okay, so if you wanted to practice levitation, you would just. B: One very appropriate way would be that if you do know - as we have discussed - an individual who already does it, go and be in that environment and mimic what they do. Because you can identify with them and create the same pattern that they create in their life, in your life. And then you will act the same way and have the same results. Do you follow me? Q: Yes, I do. If such an individual isn't immediately available, what would be the next best way to manifest. B: You can attract one to yourself, if you feel you need it. And you can always use your imagination and attract to yourself whatever information you need to allow you to become such an individual. We would recommend that a great deal of breathing in silent centering - breathing in deep and rhythmic patterns - will infuse your body with a type of crystalline energy that will allow you to arrive at the center point of balance, from which point anything is possible. Q: I understand, but. B: You will then, quote/unquote, lose your fix on the reality you think of all the time, and begin to accept more postulates from other realities. You follow me? Q: Yes, I really do. Thank you very much. B: Thank you. Sharing!

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