Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: (For Meditation) "Cleanse the body with pure water. Sit or lie in an easy position, without binding garments about the body. Breathe in through the right nostril three times, and exhale through the mouth. Breathe in three times through the left nostril and exhale through the right. Then either with the aid of low music, or the incantating of that which carries self deeper - deeper - to the seeing, feeling, experiencing of that image in the creative forces of love, enter into the Holy of Holies. As self feels or experiences the raising of this, see it desseminated through the INNER eye (not the carnal eye) to that which will bring the greater understanding in meeting every condition in the experience of the body. Then listen to the music that is made as each center of thine body responds to that new creative force that is being, and that is disseminated through its own channel; and we will find that little by little this entering in will enable self to renew all that is necessary - in Him." (281-13)

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