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MATTER, KEELY part 3 of 4

Text: Eleventh: If it be possible let us conceive of an envelope with an equator, but destitute of poles, a number of these rotating over the sphere, this atomolic envelope possessing an almost infinite attractive force toward the center of the molecule, pressing in the intermolecular substance, where it is held until this revolving envelope becomes negatized by a certain order of vibration, when the enclosing matter rushes out to its natural condition of concordant tenuity, as in the case of gunpowder, dynamite, and nitroglycerine. This force, we must see, has been held in the embrace of the rotating envelopes of the unit structures, or where does it come from? This force at the time of an explosion was liberated by shock or fire, both being orders of imparted motion or vibration. How much greater the result would be were we to associate a scientific instrument now completed, and shortly to be given to the world, with such an agent as nitroglycerine; one pound of nitroglycerine would have its destructive force augmented beyond all possible control. These instruments are carefully concealed by wise masters from all persons save the few who are already prepared to study their potency with the exclusive end in view of aiding the real scientific progress of humanity; and, furthermore, it may be truly stated that a ferocious sensualist, however powerful his intellect, would be utterly unable to either comprehend or operate one of these marvelous constructions. Twelfth: Next in order of consideration is the second subdivision of matter - the atomic. The atom has the same rotating envelope as the molecule, governed by the same laws of rotation and compression. The rotating envelope holds in its embrace the interatomic substance and three atomoles resting in it, the atomoles within the atom being constructed after the same pattern as the atom and the molecule, obedient to the same laws; the atomolic being simply the third subdivision of matter. The threefold order is absolutely universal.

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Source: 9

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