Text: (Q) How may the material activities and the spiritual purpose be coordinated? (A) That in the material world is a shadow of that in the celestial or spiritual world. Then, the material manifestations of spiritual impulse or activity must be in keeping or in attune with that which has its inception in spiritual things. For, the mind of man is the builder; and if the beginning is in spiritual life, and the mental body sees, acts upon, is motivated only by the spiritual, then the physical result will be in keeping with that thou hast sown . . . If the activities make for the exaltation of the mind, the body, or the position, power, wealth or fame, these are of the earth earthy. Not that there should not be the material things, but the result of spiritual activity‹not the result of the desires for that which the material things bring as power to a soul. Cayce (524-2)
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