Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: BASICS B: All right, I'll say how are you all this evening of your time, as you create time to exist? AUD: Great! Fantastic. Perfect. B: We will begin this interaction this evening of your time by, in a sense, getting back to basics. In this way therefore, allow us at this time before we precede, to remind each and every one of you that many of the ideas that we have discussed in all the time we have been interacting with you, are all quite simply, of very few forms, variations, reflections, of a few basic concepts. In this way, we have interacted with you on many different ideas, within many different levels, upon many different things. But each and every one of these ideas is some derivation, some manifestation, some accentuation of a few basic sets of concepts. And in this way, if you would in this way, allow yourselves to but remember: that there really need only be a few things that you are consciously aware of that make all the difference in your world about the realties and the type of realties that you experience. You can then begin to allow yourself to be cognizant of this understanding; and life need not be complex, need not be a struggle, need not be full of strife, need not be hidden from you. Now these ideas, these basic concepts, if you are once again, willing to allow yourselves when any given situation occurs in your life to apply all of the basics to it - and recognize a high degree of association between one situation and another - then you will not necessarily have to feel that there is an entirely different set of parameters required for another situation, and that everything you have ever learned has no bearing on this. And that you must feel that you have to go through an entire different regiment of information in order to understand the next idea and the next idea and the next idea. This viewpoint that you must start from scratch all over again with each and every new idea, making your learning seem an interminable pastime, is only an habitual remnant, an habitual viewpoint, of separation, of judgment. Of creating a viewpoint in your society that allows it to seem as if every single fundamental basic concept needs to be broken into a myriad of components in order for you to understand your idea, your conception, of the need for analysis, to scrutinize and analyze every single situation down to its atomic components - in this way. It is a valid way for you to have created your reality, but you are at the end of a cycle, you are at the end of the idea of needing to break down your lives into so many fragments. You are now recognizing yourselves as integrated beings. You are now recognizing that you exist on many more levels than you previously thought. You are now beginning to come into contact with those aspects of yourself that speak of the oneness within you. And as such you can begin to trust and rely upon the oneness and begin to act as a collective individual. Thus, grant yourself the opportunity to begin to experience and understand that there really are only necessarily, within the framework you are now becoming, a very few concepts that can be applied to every situation to allow you to understand the reasons for why such situations occur in your life. The basic fundamental concept is that you - as many of you all ready know - you create your reality. Now we do not mean partly, we mean completely. It is true that you interact with other beings; it is true that situations can be part of a co-creation with other beings; but your part, your part in any given co-creation is your creation totally. You have attracted yourself into that situation; you have attracted that situation to you, based upon what you believe your reality can be. This is not to say that you are always conscious, nor have always been conscious of yourself attracting the situation, nor attracting yourself into the situation. But the situations that you experience in your physiological reality are always the product of what believe your physiological reality is capable of producing. Once again do remember: that to fear that something is the most likely occurrence that could happen in your reality is the same thing as believing that it is. And therefore it is no wonder that many times the things that you fear the most are the things that keep happening. For your reality is a part of your beliefs about it. Symbols! All physical reality is a symbol for the idea you are being. As you create your reality, what you are actually doing is creating yourself to be an interaction, and you are creating out of the very substance, the fabric of your being, all of the physiological symbols that represent the interaction you are being. But those symbols are not the idea, per se, of the actual interaction you are. They are representative, they are shadows, reflections, to let you know that you have in a sense created yourself to be a "separatized" being from All That Is; and all that you are seeing in your lives is giving you an opportunity to understand everything in your physical reality is not outside you, it is within you. It is all a reflection, all a projectionŠ an illusion, but also very solid to you, because as long as you are in the illusion, the illusion is solid. It is not in that way that you have to get out of the illusion, but if you are willing to recognize that IT IS YOUR CREATION then you will understand that it does not have to seem to control you, and that you control it. You create your reality. EVERYTHING is synchronicity. Everything. What this basically means is that EVERYTHING, and we do mean EVERYTHING, is the same ONE thing, manifesting in multidimensional simultaneous ways. Now, if you would ponder that for a moment: Everything is the same one thing. Every single concept, every single object, every single situation, every relationship, every interaction is the same one thing manifesting from all the different points of view that oneness can manifest. You are, while you are distinctly and definitely your own individuals, you are also the same one thing manifesting AS all these different individuals. All the individuals within creation are all the same one thing manifesting as all of those individuals, and that one thing is All That Is, Creation itself. If you wish, the Creator itself. Recognize that there are vibratory patterns of life; that life is, in a sense, a vibratory pattern, and that you can, by being willing to trust that you as a being are complete in, at any given moment, the thing you are doing - this does not mean by being complete that you will not continue to grow, no, do not misunderstand us - but it does mean that by recognizing that at any given moment you are exactly completely the thing you need to be at that moment, then that cognition is what will allow you to grow. For then you will be open to everything that you are, and only by being open to everything that you are, will you allow yourself most easily to be open to everything that you can become. Therefore trust and treat yourself with the same degree of respect and unconditional love that All That Is has bestowed upon every being in Creation. For All That Is, in creating every being, obviously believes that every being it has created deserves to exist. Why not treat yourself with the same degree of deservability? You owe yourselves nothing less. The willingness to trust is what will allow your lives to work automatically. As you synchronize and harmonize yourself with All That Is, and allow yourself to recognize that to open yourself in complete vulnerability to All That Is, is not giving up control, it is taking control, it is being responsible. Complete vulnerability is being in complete contact with All That Is, and that is being infinitely strong. Vulnerability is not weakness, it is infinite strength. Be open, be trusting. Know that everything that is in your lives is there for a reason. There are no accidents. None! Are you all following along? AUD: Yes. B: How do you all feel this evening of your time? AUD: Great, super, tired. B: Tired, all right. There will be many manifestations of changes in doorways and gateways and levels that you will go through in this time and age of transformation upon your planet, that you are so lovingly allowing us to assist you in. And the remnants of the struggles within you, the habits within you, may from time to time, make you tired, because the thing that you are so very used to doing, more than almost anything else, is fighting your own ecstasy. Fighting your ecstasy is very tiring. That is why if you are willing to go with the flow, then trust what EXCITES you. By KNOWING that excitement, that very term excitement IS the arrow, the barometer that points the way along the path you chose to be. That is why you have excitement. Follow it and trust it. It will ALWAYS lead you to where you need to be. You have ALWAYS been given a sign, YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN WITHOUT ONE! Many times when you have asked for signs, you have denied that the one that you always had, exists. Excitement is, always has been, and always will be, your arrow - follow it and you will ALWAYS be being the path you chose to be. That is what it is for. Whether it seems to have anything to do with what you THINK you should be doing or not, it does, TRUST IT! The feeling of excitement and the knowingness that comes with it, and many times even precedes it, knowingness, excitement, those understandings, those feelings when followed, are what will allow your lives to become ecstatic and momentous and always accelerating into more and more ecstasy. Life works if you let it. You do not have to make or force anything to happen. ALLOW YOURSELVES TO BE the idea. And last, but certainly not least, as you say, with all of this simple understanding - you create your reality, everything is synchronicity, trust yourself - all you need to do is act like you believe these things to be true for you. Now, it is not that you have to believe them, you have freewill, no one, including us, can ever tell you what to do, your lives are sacrosanct, sovereign, you are your own identities. No one knows more about you than you. No one knows what is right for you, but you; what is true for you, but you. You can have assistance, you can allow others to be reflections to assist you in your understanding of yourself, but no one needs to TELL you what to do. But we would suggest that you are far gander than you have believed yourselves to be; you are far more deserving than you have believed yourselves to be, or that you have been taught to believe. And now in your civilization this is the representative timing for you to begin to allow yourselves that cognition, to allow yourselves your birthright, your right of ecstasy. You are made of unconditional love, literally made of unconditional LOVE and light. Treat yourselves to life and treat yourselves with some respect. Love yourselves and each other unconditionally. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is the only thing that is necessary to allow you to never experience again any negative manifestation in your civilization. All that you have ever asked for, all that you have ever prayed for, ALL THAT YOU HAVE EVER DESIRED, ALL OF IT, can be granted through ONE idea. Such is the simplicity of Creation and the love of Creation for itself, that all it takes is the WILLINGNESS to express and experience UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We thank you for allowing us to share this idea with you, for it is OUR preferred belief that you and your civilization will begin to believe that it does in fact deserve to be loved and deserves to love itself. Sharing!

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