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Text: Q: It seems quite clear that there are emotions that are a hindrance to one's awakening, yet I would like to know where compassion fits in here. Does it need to be released to awaken? A: Let me say first that what I am attempting is to define a state of Reality as opposed to being in recognition of an illusion of Reality. In Reality you may be certain there exists nothing to which there is an opposite. Therefore, I attempt to direct your attention away from concepts which have meanings of positive and negative or good and bad, because these concepts are reflective only of a state of illusion to truth. The feeling of compassion is the one which probably is most misunderstood and feared by those who are attempting to identify themselves as a Being of Love. The reason the difficulty arises is simply this: you see yourself and identify your Being as a body, and it is not. You do not accept the fact that you are at this moment a totally undistorted expression of the Mind of God. And because you do not, you see a need to have pity on yourself and others who see likewise. I am sure that it would shock you significantly were I to tell you there is no compassion in the Mind of God. What exists there is only the excpression of truth. God's vision, being Real, sees you only in your state of Reality, it sees you only in the perfection in which you truly exist. And to this, ascribe joy and not compassion. When you come to the understanding that the truest expression of yourself as an extension of the Mind of God is only to reflect the love that lies therein, you will see there is no need for compassion; there is nothing to be compassionate about. So am I then telling you that while you dwell in a state of dream to go about expressing cruelty? Obviously not. What I am encouraging you to do is to go about expressing your Self as an extension of the only thing that truly exists and that is a state of perfect love! Because it is in the doing of this that you will recognize it. It is by what you teach that you have decided what it is you have chosen to learn. Does this sound familiar? Teach only Love. That truly is all you are. [Dialogue on Awakening, page 27]

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