Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Love's Infinite Creation Q: This is my first meeting with you. What is your definition of love? B: All That Is. Does that assist you? Q: Yes. B: Are you sure? Q: Yes, in an "All That Is" way. B: Ah! How convenient! When we refer to the idea, "All That Is," we are referring to what your society usually labels as "God." All That Is, is love: everything is created from love. Everything is love; that is what love is. It is the substance itself of existence. So when you feel that vibration that is when you know you are creating the idea of yourself to be in harmonious synchronized alignment with All That Is. Will that suffice as a definition for you? Or do you wish to explore this idea further? Q: (Laughing) Well I just had this experience of like, almost being blown backwards, with the enormity of what you just said. It's like a blowing wind sound. B: Yes! That may be the sensation that is common when you make a connection from a particular reality that has been used to limitation: the experience of rushing headlong to meet yourself. Infinite acceleration! However, you will find also that infinite acceleration means you are everywhere at once. Being everywhere at once will, and can, also feel like standing perfectly still. And therefore gives you the sensation of ultimate peace and love. Will that do? Q: Yes. B: Oh, all right. Q: I can't think of anything else to say. Thank you. B: Then simply love. That says it all. Q: Thank you.

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