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Text: From reading #281-20; April 27, 1934: 10 (Q) Is the Lord's Prayer as recorded in the Bible correct? If not, would appreciate it as was given by the Master to the disciples. (A) This may be given, but rather should the seeker use that which IS given - as the Lord calls us all to do. Make its purpose and its intent a portion of thyself. For, there may be many misinterpretations, poor translations, but to find fault with that thou hast and not use same is to make excuses that you haven't it as it was given. Art THOU on speaking terms with thy Lord? If not, why not? HAVE that rather that HE would give thee, than from ANY other source! When He gave, "As ye seek in my name, that ye may have if ye believe.", then act that way. He will draw near unto thee [if thou] wilt thou draw unto Him. Let thy prayer be that He will ever show thee, direct thee, lead thee. From reading #378-44; May 21,1934: 3 Let not the material things so blind thee that they become a stumblingblock in thine experience. Give praise to thy Maker in the name of Him that taught thee to pray: OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN; HALLOWED BE THY NAME. THY KINGDOM COME. THY WILL BE DONE; AS IN HEAVEN, SO IN EARTH. GIVE US FOR TOMORROW THE NEEDS OF THE BODY. FORGET THOSE TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE THAT HAVE TRESPASSED AND DO TRESPASS AGAINST US. BE THOU THE GUIDE IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE, TURMOIL, AND TEMPTATION. LEAD US IN PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR THY NAME'S SAKE. 4 We are through.

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