Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: Light and heat, theoretically, belong to the highest orders of the phenomenal. They can be accounted for by the velocity of sympathetic streams as interchangeable to and from centers of negative and attractive focalization. In considering the velocity of vibration, associated with a ray of light, to be at least one thousand billions per second, it is easy to account for the origin and demonstration of these two elements by the action of celestial sympathetic streams. I. Light and heat are not evolved until the force of the vibratory sympathetic stream from the neutral center of the sun, comes into atomic percussive action against the molecular atmosphere or envelope of our planet. The visibility of the planets can only be accounted for in this way, some in degree, some in less ... Light and heat, in a certain sense, are one and the same, light giving heat, and heat, light. The whole mystery, associated with their evolution is explained by the bombardment of the sympathetic etheric stream on the dense portion of the molecular, in seeking the sympathetic, concordant, neutral center of the planetary mass that surrounds the point of focalization. The positive and negative interchange of this true sympathetic stream keeps intact the magnetic force of the polar envelope of the earth, making it a great magnet of itself. From the velocity of these sympathetic rays the earth's standard of heat and light is evolved and kept in balance. A ray of heat one billion times greater than the whole volume of the sun represents could not pass through the dark vacuous boundaries which lie between us and the sun without being neutralized and absorbed. [Snell Manuscript]

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