Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - It's a Musical Universe!
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Text: From the velocity of the sympathetic stream from the sun, the earth's standard of light and heat is kept up and is preserved in balance. The velocity of the flow liberates light and heat in varying degrees of intensity, which is proportional to the angle of this sympathetic projectment. The celestial sympathetic streams, percussing on the earth's atmospheric envelope, wrest from atomic confinement the latent energies we call light and heat. The activity of the "luminiferous ether" or seventh subdivision, is such that by its frequency it evolves self-luminescence. The activity manifested by the ether in self-luminescence indicates a still greater region beyond. "Corpuscular activity" represents the outflow of the ether from the luminiferous toward neutral centers or aggregation, revealing the connecting link between mind and matter. This luminosity has no thermal accompaniment and yet, paradoxically, all thermal conditions evolve from etheric vibration. If our hearing were intensified a thousand million times, we might be able to hear the streams of light as plainly as we now hear the wind. Considering the very complicated spectrum of most of the elements, the multiplicity of lines may possibly be caused by an apsidal motion in the molecule by the interaction between high and low tenuous matter. However, the molecule cannot disturb the ether: such conditions fall far below the etheric subdivision. "I believe the motion to be a series of harmonic elliptic movements accompanied by a slow apsidal movement, the combinations of which will produce two circular motions of different amplitudes whose differing periods might correspond to two lines in the spectrum. I believe, however, each spectrum line consists not of two close lines but of compound triple lines. We will have to wait until an instrument is invented as perfect in its parts as the sympathetic field environing matter, before this assumption can be proved." Michelson invented the interferometer several years after Keely's death, which was able to divide the apparently simple lines of the spectrum and proves Keely's idea to be substantially correct.

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